Explore European Alternative Investment Platforms (2024)


Alternative investment platforms have revolutionized the global financial landscape by democratizing capital access for both entrepreneurs and investors. This article takes a deep dive into the European crowdfunding ecosystem, bringing to light essential statistics and enlightening discoveries that illuminate the flourishing crowdfunding industry in Europe.

  • Overview of alternative investment platforms.
  • Global popularity of alternative investment platforms.
  • Detailed exploration of the European crowdfunding landscape.
  • Crowdfunding companies are partnering with lending software providers for giving lenders an additional source of capital.

Alternative Investment Platforms: an Overview

Alternative investment platforms are online marketplaces that connect investors with non-traditional investment opportunities. These platforms have transformed the investment landscape, democratizing access to asset classes that were once reserved for the wealthy or institutional investors.

Alternative investment platforms cover a wide range of asset classes, including real estate, startups, peer-to-peer lending, cryptocurrencies, and more. They offer a user-friendly interface, making it easy for investors to browse, evaluate, and invest in a diverse array of opportunities.

Global Popularity of These Platforms

The popularity of alternative investment platforms is on the rise globally. Investors are increasingly attracted to these platforms due to their potential for high returns and diversification benefits. According top2pmarketdata.com, there are currently 510 platforms in operation worldwide. Furthermore, alternative investment platforms offer an exciting avenue for investors looking to make a positive social or environmental impact through their investments.

In the United States, alternative investment platforms have seen a surge in popularity, driven by the growth of equity crowdfunding and real estate crowdfunding. Platforms likeAngelListandFundrise have become household names, attracting an important number of investors looking for non-traditional investment opportunities.

The Crowdfunding Terrain in Europe

The crowdfunding arena is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector of the global financial market. The European region, in particular, has seen a significant surge in crowdfunding activities, driven by the increasing popularity of alternative investment platforms. The Europe Crowd Lending and Crowd Investing Market size is expected to grow from USD 13.21 billion in 2023 toUSD 14.41 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 1.76% during the forecast period (2023-2028). The continent holds a significant position in this landscape, housing 379 of these platforms.

The United Kingdom holds a commanding position in the European crowdfunding scene, boasting a total of 59 platforms. The UK's regulatory environment, which is supportive of financial innovation, has played an important role in fostering the growth of these platforms. Investors in the UK have been attracted by the potential for high returns that are projected from 4 to 9% on average.

Talking about interest rates they can vary significantly depending on the type of investment, for example: On average, P2P lending platforms in the UK have offered interest rates ranging from 3% to 7% or even higher in some cases and Real Estate Crowdfunding interest rates can range from 5% to 10% or even more. Some British platforms from real estate crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending are:Shojin,Proplend,Money&Co,The Money Platform,and more.

Italy is another European country that has made significant strides in the alternative investment sector. With 48 platforms, Italy has a vibrant and diverse alternative investment scene. Italian investors have shown a keen interest in peer-to-peer lending and equity crowdfunding, driven by the potential for attractive returns that range from approximately 5% to 10%, depending on the specific platform and the risk profile of the loans.

Italian alternative investment platforms have also been instrumental in driving economic growth in the country. By providing a source of funding for startups and small businesses, these platforms are supporting innovation and job creation in the Italian economy. Some of the important players in this sector include:Invest-t,Business Lending,Mamacrowd,WeAreStarting, and more.

France, with 45 platforms, has a dynamic and evolving alternative investment market. Real estate crowdfunding has been particularly successful in the country, with several platforms offering investors the opportunity to invest in property projects across the country. French alternative investment platforms have also been at the forefront of the trend towards socially responsible investing, with several platforms offering investments in renewable energy projects and socially responsible businesses. Peer-to-peer lending and startup investing are the most popular categories in the country with platforms like:myOptions,Solylend,Tudigo,Proximea,and more.

Crowdfunding in Europe can be segmented into various categories, each with its unique statistics:

  • Peer-to-peer lending: This segment has 161 platforms in the EU, with a minimum investment threshold of just €1. Leading this space isMintos(Latvia), having facilitated approximately €9 billion in funding. Other significant players includePeerberry(Czech Republic) with €2 billion andOpyn (Italy) with €1.7 billion in funding.
  • Real estate crowdfunding: This thriving segment has 131 platforms in the EU. The minimum investment required is just £1. Noteworthy platforms includeEstateguru(Estonia) with €742 million in funding, Kuflink (UK) with £279 million, andCapitalRise (UK) with £204 million.
  • Startup investing: This sector comprises 77 platforms in the EU. With a minimum investment threshold of €1, these platforms cater to a diverse pool of investors. Italy stands out with 19 platforms, featuring players likeHensoo,200crowd, andActivant.

A Closer Look Into The Baltic Countries

The Baltic region, comprising Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, has emerged as a burgeoning hub for alternative investment platforms in Europe. With a total of 44 platforms, making up 12% of the EU's total. The Baltics are a testament to the rapid growth and popularity of crowdfunding in the region. The success of the crowdfunding market in the Baltics can be attributed to several factors, including a solid digital infrastructure, a conducive regulatory environment, and a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Estonia stands out as the leader in the Baltic crowdfunding scene, boasting an impressive 26 platforms. This small nation is renowned for its digital-first approach to governance and business, making it a fertile ground for the growth of digital platforms, including crowdfunding. Explore here some of the Estonian platforms: Income Marketplace,Swaper,IUVO Group,Bondora,Monestro,Reinvest24, and more.

Latvia and Lithuania, with 7 and 11 platforms respectively, are also making their mark in the crowdfunding arena. These countries have embraced digital innovation, creating a conducive environment for the growth of alternative investment platforms.

In Latvia, peer-to-peer lending platforms have gained significant popularity, providing an alternative source of personal and business financing. Meanwhile, Lithuania has seen the growth of equity crowdfunding platforms, offering investors the opportunity to take an equity stake in Lithuanian startups. Explore some of the Latvian and Lithuanian platforms:Twino,Debitum,Mintos,Lande,Heavy Finance,Letsinvest,NEO Finance and more.

Current Trends and Future Outlook

The reward-based crowdfunding market is witnessing interesting trends:

The European crowdfunding market is characterized by a wide range of niche platforms catering to specific investment interests. Equity crowdfunding, in particular, is on the rise, offering investors an opportunity to take ownership stakes in startups and small businesses.

Several factors are driving the growth of reward-based crowdfunding in Europe. The increasing legitimacy of crowdfunding, coupled with its accessibility and the role of social media in promoting crowdfunding campaigns, has contributed to its growth. The response to the pandemic has also played a significant role, as businesses turned to crowdfunding to weather the financial storm.

Looking ahead, the future of crowdfunding in Europe looks promising. Mobile crowdfunding apps are gaining popularity, offering investors the convenience of investing on the go. The gig economy and freelance work are also expected to fuel the growth of crowdfunding, as more individuals turn to crowdfunding to finance their projects. Additionally, the trend towards impact investing and market consolidation is likely to shape the future of the European crowdfunding market.

The integration of crowdfunding platforms into lending management systems is another notable trend in the European crowdfunding landscape. This integration allows for a more streamlined and efficient management of crowdfunding campaigns, enhancing the overall user experience for both investors and fundraisers. At Fintech Market, we’ve been partnering with different crowdfunding platforms, ourLoan Management System allows the possibility to integrate these services to your company(Explore our partners), along with our risk management solution,Decision Engine.


The European crowdfunding landscape is a vibrant and dynamic space, characterized by innovation, growth, and an ever-evolving array of investment opportunities. As we continue to navigate the digital age, crowdfunding is poised to play an increasingly significant role in the world of finance.

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  • All You Need to Know About Loan Management Systems

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Fintech Market (FTM) works in the lending software market, offering a comprehensive no-code loan management system for financial service institutions. The platform covers loans, deposits, current accounts, and investments and includes essential features like CRM, KYC, risk management, and debt management. FTM serves neobanks, SME loan providers, car leasing businesses, and buy-now-pay-later providers in the EU, Mexico, and Indonesia, providing tailored solutions to optimize their operations.

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I am an expert in the field of alternative investments and crowdfunding, with a deep understanding of the global financial landscape and specific expertise in the European crowdfunding ecosystem. My knowledge is not only theoretical but grounded in real-world experience and a comprehensive grasp of essential statistics and trends. Let's delve into the concepts presented in the article.

Overview of Alternative Investment Platforms: Alternative investment platforms are online marketplaces that connect investors with non-traditional investment opportunities. These platforms have democratized access to asset classes such as real estate, startups, peer-to-peer lending, and cryptocurrencies. They provide a user-friendly interface, enabling investors to explore and invest in a diverse array of opportunities.

Global Popularity of These Platforms: The popularity of alternative investment platforms is on the rise globally. Investors are attracted by the potential for high returns and diversification benefits. According to top2pmarketdata.com, there are currently 510 platforms in operation worldwide. Notable platforms in the United States include AngelList and Fundrise, showcasing the growth of equity crowdfunding and real estate crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding in Europe: The European crowdfunding landscape is dynamic, with the region experiencing a significant surge in crowdfunding activities. The Europe Crowd Lending and Crowd Investing Market size is expected to grow, with the United Kingdom holding a leading position, boasting 59 platforms. Italy has also made strides in the alternative investment sector, with 48 platforms supporting economic growth through funding for startups and small businesses.

Segmentation of Crowdfunding in Europe: Crowdfunding in Europe can be segmented into various categories, each with its unique statistics:

  • Peer-to-peer lending: 161 platforms with Mintos (Latvia), Peerberry (Czech Republic), and Opyn (Italy) as significant players.
  • Real estate crowdfunding: 131 platforms with notable platforms like Estateguru (Estonia), Kuflink (UK), and CapitalRise (UK).
  • Startup investing: 77 platforms with Italy standing out with 19 platforms, including players like Hensoo and 200crowd.

The Baltic Countries as Crowdfunding Hubs: The Baltic region, comprising Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, has become a hub for alternative investment platforms, with a total of 44 platforms. Estonia leads with 26 platforms, driven by its digital-first approach and a conducive regulatory environment. Latvia and Lithuania are also making their mark in the crowdfunding arena.

Current Trends and Future Outlook: The reward-based crowdfunding market is witnessing interesting trends, with equity crowdfunding on the rise. Factors such as crowdfunding's increasing legitimacy, accessibility, and the role of social media contribute to its growth. The future of crowdfunding in Europe looks promising, with mobile crowdfunding apps gaining popularity, the gig economy fueling crowdfunding, and the trend towards impact investing.

Integration of Crowdfunding Platforms: An emerging trend is the integration of crowdfunding platforms into lending management systems, enhancing the overall user experience for both investors and fundraisers.

Conclusion: The European crowdfunding landscape is vibrant, dynamic, and poised to play a significant role in the world of finance. As we navigate the digital age, crowdfunding is expected to continue its growth, shaping the future of alternative investments.

For more information and insights, you can explore Fintech Market, a lending software provider, offering a comprehensive no-code loan management system for financial service institutions.

Explore European Alternative Investment Platforms (2024)


What is the BlackRock Multi Alternatives Team? ›

BlackRock's Multi-Alternatives team (“Multi-Alts”) designs and manages diversified, portfolio solutions across liquid and illiquid alternatives by leveraging BlackRock's investment capabilities, access to both deal flow and external managers and the firm's technology platform.

What is the most popular alternative investment? ›

Real Estate

Real estate is perhaps the most well-known alternative investment. Investing in real estate can provide ongoing cash flow and the potential for appreciation. Real estate generally has a low correlation to traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. Real estate investing can be done in several formats.

How do I access alternative investments? ›

Investors can access alternative invests in three ways:
  1. Fund investment (such as a in a PE fund)
  2. Direct investment into a company or project (such as infrastructure or real estate)
  3. Co-investment into a portfolio company of a fund.

What is Alternatives Division at BlackRock? ›

Our 800-plus alternative investors supplement their networks and know-how with best-in-class ideas from BlackRock's other 2,500-plus investors around the world. We use advanced technology to help build stronger portfolios – we track 90,000 unique companies and 40,000 unique properties on eFront.

Who is BlackRock biggest rival? ›

BlackRock's competitors and similar companies include Fidelity Investments, Berkshire Hathaway, Charles Schwab, Edward Jones, Vanguard, State Street and Northern Trust.

Who is BlackRock's biggest competitor? ›

4 BlackRock derives the majority of its revenue from investment advisory and administrative fees charged to its clients. 5 Among BlackRock's major competitors are The Vanguard Group, State Street Corp. (STT), and T. Rowe Price Group Inc.

What is the least riskiest type of investment? ›

The Bottom Line

Safe assets such as U.S. Treasury securities, high-yield savings accounts, money market funds, and certain types of bonds and annuities offer a lower risk investment option for those prioritizing capital preservation and steady, albeit generally lower, returns.

What is the largest alternative ETF? ›

The largest Alternative ETFs ETF is the First Trust Long/Short Equity ETF FTLS with $1.14B in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing Alternative ETFs ETF was SVIX at 101.12%. The most recent ETF launched in the Alternative ETFs space was the Even Herd Long Short ETF EHLS on 04/01/24.

What is the world's largest alternative investment firm? ›

Blackstone. With $1 trillion in assets under management, Blackstone is the world's largest alternative asset manager. Blackstone's portfolio consists of more than 230 portfolio companies and 12,600 real estate assets. Its asset portfolio spans a diverse range of sectors.

What is the average return on alternative investments? ›

Alternative Assets Can Boost Portfolio Performance

Alternative assets have posted impressive long-term performance. For example, in the 20-year period ending in 2022, average annual returns for private equity investments were 14.75%, compared to 9.25% for the S&P 500 and 8.84% for the Dow Industrial Average.

Do alternative investments have a high return? ›

Alternative Investments such as derivatives, hedge funds, private equity funds, and funds of funds can result in higher return potential but also higher loss potential. Changes in economic conditions or other circ*mstances may adversely affect your investments.

How much of your portfolio should be in alternative investments? ›

2. Right-size your alternative investment allocation. The next critical question for those who already are invested in alternatives: How much capital should I put, in total, to work in the private markets? The typical range we've seen among J.P. Morgan private bank clients is 15% to 30% of their overall portfolio.

Is Vanguard better than BlackRock? ›

If you're looking for an option that lets you play a hands-on role in your investing decisions, Vanguard would be the better option. If you're looking for passive options, either firm could be the answer.

Who is over BlackRock? ›

As the chairman and C.E.O. of the asset management giant BlackRock, Larry Fink commands attention from companies and governments, helping spearhead movements like socially driven business and the need for companies to fight climate change.

What trading platform does BlackRock use? ›

The Aladdin platform combines sophisticated risk analytics with comprehensive portfolio management, trading and operations tools on a single platform to power informed decision-making, effective risk management, efficient trading and operational scale.

How much do BlackRock alternative investment associates make? ›

The average salary for BlackRock investment associates is $93,534 per year. BlackRock investment associate salaries range between $61,000 to $142,000 per year.

Which Company is more powerful than BlackRock? ›

Largest companies
1BlackRockUnited States
2Vanguard GroupUnited States
4Fidelity InvestmentsUnited States
16 more rows

What is the difference between Blackstone Group and BlackRock group? ›

BlackRock vs The Blackstone Group: Which Is the Bigger Company? Technically speaking, BlackRock is the largest of the two companies, with more than 16,000 employees and over $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM), compared with Blackstone, which has just over 3,000 employees and $900 billion AUM in assets.

What is multi asset strategies BlackRock? ›

Multi-asset funds can invest flexibly across a broad universe that may include stocks, bonds, cash, and alternative asset classes. Scale and scope. Our multi-asset strategies bring together BlackRock's global capabilities, utilizing the best ideas from across the firm. Comprehensive portfolio approach.


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