The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 T. -4 The Most Widely Real Newspaper in THE SPRINGFIELD THE WEATHER Western New England UNION Cloudy E. VOL. LXIV. NO.

358. PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1927. 14 PAGES TWO CENTS ANGELES SPEEDING TO AREA IN WHICH DAWN WAS HEARD FROM LAST Radio Men Doubt Source of Signals 'That Revived Ottawa 'Officials Are Not Convinced Message Was from Grayson Plane; Hunt Ordered by Canada. 4. U.S.

STARTS SEARCH FROM AIR AND SEA Giant Dirigible Joins Two Destroyers for Intensive Sweep; Fear Four May Have Frozen to Death. OTTAWA, Dec. 26-(A tions Canadian reported government today they wireless had ceived no direct word which would give any indication of the fate the Dawn. Officials here said they were not convinced that fragments of signals picked up by the government station on Sable Island, off the coast Nova Scotia, were received from the plane. Wireless men are in doubt AS to the actual source of the signals.

Meanwhile no orders for search have been issued by the Department of Marines and Fisheries. NEW YORK, Doc. 26-(AP) Rescue craft mobilizing by sea and air were headed tonight toward Newfoundland in search of Mrs. Frances Wilson Grayson and her three men companions aboard the missing amphibian plane, Dawn. The navy dirigible Log Angeles took off from Lakehurst, N.

manned by an emergency crew, for the dash to the -in which the Dawn was. Jast heart from. Two destroyers at the Boston navy yard also received orders from the authorities at Washington to search the waters between Cape Cod and Sable Island. Feared Victim of ley Sea. Since last bight.

when sputtering were picked up at Sable Islanda the plane's radio had been silent and it. was feared that the Dawn. foiced down in the water, INES have been battered to pieces by the winter sea. The brief last message, which said had gone wrong" dil not give Dawn's position, and rescue craft could carry on only an unguided search the area between Cape Cod, where the plane's motors were heard whirring overhead last Friday night, and the fliers' objective. The dawn was equipped with pon.

and wheels and could come down on either water or land. Ex. pelts believed the ship could he kept afloat for hours if landed in the comparatively quiet waters to leeward of some of the along the Nora Scotian coast. There was the danger. howerer.

even in the event of a safe landing, the occupants of: the ship might freeze to death unless cue came quickly. Tools Oft Last Friday. 'The Canadian government radio service canvassed radio and telegraph stations in the vicinity of Sable Iziand after last night's message, but none had picked up any 'signal from the Dawn. The Canadian Bureau of Marine and Fisheries was standing by tu order oftt scarching and rescue craft at. a moment's notice in the event that the plane was locatel.

Mrs. Grayson took off from volt ticld at dusk: last Friday. With her were Goldsborough. navigator radio operator: Oskar Ondal. pilot.

and Fred Koehler, motor expel. (Continued on Serond Five Dead, One Dying as Gas Fumes Take Toll During Holiday Pins Note Door, Discovers Bodies of Three; Two Women Victims of Disconnected Tube. BUFFALO, Dee. 20-- (AP) bodies of three men were found by the police in a gas-Alled room in a Genesec Street house today. Rode Zabradze is the only one of the three identiJ.

T. of Lackawanna had called several times to visit his friend, Zabradze. and on Sunday left a note pinned to his room door, Today when be called again the note had not been removed. Te reported his suspicions to the police and the door was forced open. All three men were lying on the bed fully dressed.

The gas was escaping from i small unlighted heater. PHILADELPHT, Dee. 26-(A P) "Two wolnel were asphyxiated and 11 man was overcome by illuminating SAN in their lome hero. Sarah Blake, 50 years old, and Mrs. Cathrino Warner.

GO' years old, who occupied the same doom, were found dead in bel. Samuel Lehman, 50 years old, who occupied the only other room on second floor of the house. was unconscious. Physicians said he would not recover. A rubber hose had becone disconnected from at kitchen range.

Car Smashed Like Kindling Wood as Two Hit Headon and Third Crashes Into Rear Battered wreck of onc of three. cars that pile: up in Riverdale Street, 'West Springfield, sending nine to hospitals. FALL DOWN STEPS IS FATAL TO MAN FOUND IN STREET Timothy Driscoll Picked Up in Plainfield Roadway Unconscious; Fails to Regain Senses. LEFT HOME TO ATTEND CHRISTMAS EVE MASS Exposure and Concussion of Brain Cause of Death; Dropped in Front of end's 'House. Mystery surrounds the sudden death of Timothy Driscoll, 32 years ohi.

of 23 Laurel Street, who died at 10.10 o'clock yesterday morning in Springfield Hospital from exposure and concussion of the brain. The 1118 WAS brought to the hospital at 9.25 o'clock Sunday morning, having been fount lying in front of a home on l'ainfield Street. According to the members the family, he left home shortly before midnight Saturday to visit the home of a friend. At the place he visited it is said that he tried to induce friends 10 attend midnight mass with hint. They refused and he was not seen again until ho was picked up in front of his friend's home early yesteiday morning.

the hospital he was attended by Bernard J. Klein of 721 Divight Street. who diagnosed his ruse 85 EXposure and concussions of the brain. At the time of his admittance to tile hospital little hope was hell out for his recovery. He died without regaining consciousness.

Medical Examiner Dr. Frederick D. Jones was called and after examining the body agreed with Dr. Klein's diag. nosis of the cause of death and ordered the body removed to Sampson's dertaking parlors.

Dr. Jones also said last night that he had been unable to learn the exact details as to who discovered the man unconscious 0r who brought him to the hospital. Driscoll has been aL foreman at the J. O. Young Company, 50 Laurel Street, for several years.

He is scribed as a person of regular habits and a family man. Dr. Klein said last night that the man had evidently stumble and fallen do down a flight of steps at the home of his friend. liecause of the late hour few people passed the spot where he lay aud it was not until about 7 o'clock Sunday morning that, the- injured. man WAS found.

'The gricf-stricken wife was unable to Live any information other than to say that he had left home shortly before midnight 10 visit his friend's home and that he sail at the time he. planned to take his friend to midnight mass with him. Driscoll leaves a wife and two small children. one six weeks anl the other two years old. He also leaves several brothers Vatican Menaced by 'Quake; Shaken, Priest Injured Pope Cool, Urges Tranquility; Fissures Open in Streets; Ceilings Fall; Panic Threatened; Firemen Clear Debris from Roads.

ROME. Dec. 26-(AP) Home WaS shaken today by an earthquake of unusual violence, lasting four minutes. The first shock was at 4.07 p. m.

A fissure was opened up in the populous quarter of the city, the ceilings in several houses fell and the cornice of a church broke off, jnjuring a priest who WAS passing. The priest. Brando Fortuno of Rio Janerio, Brazil, 27 years old student at Gregorian University, was taken to Polyclinie Hospital, where he was treated for minor injuries. The tremors were distinctly felt. at the Vatican.

The l'ope was in his private study and was surprised to So0 books and papers moving and the furniture wobble. Servants rushed in to ascertain if any objects had fallen near the Pontiff. He told them to urge the others in the apostolic palace to observe a tranquil attitude. The shock varied from Ave to six HICKMAN CONFESSES STRANGLING GIRL AND DISMEMBERING BODY Peru Hears Radio "Help Wanted" Ad Sent to Eskimos Peru. Dec.

26-(AT) A Christmas message to Eskimos in the frozen north was heard by radio listeners in this tropical land. Comdr. Richard E. Byrd. through Station at Pitts-.

burg, broadcast an appeal for men skilled in driving sledge dogs and women who can sow fur garments. The lightly clad l'eruvian Indians use the llamas as their beasts of burden. CITY HAS 147,400, GROWTH OF 5335 IN SEVEN YEARS Holyoke Population 60,400. Gain of 65; Chicopee's Is 44,300, Jump of 2213: Pittsfield Also Up. INDUSTRIAL CITIES SHOW FALLING OFF Local Increase Does Not Compare with That in Hartford, According to Federal Census.

Springfield's population on July 1, according to the estimates of the Federal Census Bureau, was an increase of 5333 over the figure of Jan. 1, 1920. When the last Federal census was, taken. The government figures are Supported by estimates made by the cry Health and Water Departments, for their estimates ch the population of this city for last July vary only slightly from the Census Burcau estiThe Water Department estr-. ratites the population at 117,268.

while the Health Department' places the figure at 147,500. Taking the number of assessed polls in the city and multiplying by a ratio figure used after the last Federal census, the Board of Assessors cstimate would bring the population of this city 10 to 152,820. but the members of the board declare this figure is accurate, in their' opillion. They Moutan place the figure at least 5000 which would bring it and that of city departclose to the Census, Burcuu estimate ments which make estimates each year. In comparison with the majority of Massachusetts cities of a population of' more than 30.000 Springtield has had better growth for except Boston and Quincy, it is the only city in the group that shows' an increase of more than 5000 in the seven year period since the last Federal census.

Holyoke just keeps within the list of cities showing an increase. In 1920 the Holyoke population was estimated at. 60,335 and the figure for July 1, 1027, is placed at 60,400. Chicopee has increased from to 44.300 in the seven year period and Pittsfield. only other Western Massachusetts city in the 30,000 01 better class, has increased from 46,887 in 1920 10 10,100.

Among the Massachusetts cities Brockton. Haverhill, Lawrence and Lowell show falling off in population figures. But the growth in Springfield and the other Western Massachusetts cities does not compare with that in Hartford and New Haven, according to the tables as compiled by the Fedcral Bureau. Hartford. in the seven year period.

has jumped from 138.036 to 168,300. an increase of more than 30,000 while New Haven has jumped front 102.537 in 1020 to 184,900, the 1927 estimate. The Federal Bureau. in pamphlet sent out from Washington. explains that the estimates are based on the assumption that the annual increase of population since the census of 1920 Ins been the same as the average increase between 1910 and 1920.

States, however, that took state census in 1927, the estimates are based on the average annual increase between 1920 and 1925. This would apply 10 the Massachusetts citing listed, for this State took its last consus in 1923. Dining Car Attendants in Hot Fight for Privilege of Waiting on "Fiend" ABOARD CASCADE LIMITED -(AP) Keen rivalry has developed privilege of taking food to William napper-slayer, as he speeds toward confessed crime. Four of them were ment today when Harry G. Kinch.

terceded and picked out Charles son for the job. AT DUNSMUIR, Dec. 26 among the dining car waiters for the Edward Hickman, notorious kidLos Angeles to answer for his selfengagd in a somewhat lively argnSouthern Pacific passenger agent, inWandovor, head waiter, and R. C. Daw- Throttled Girl with Towel, Slashed Throat and Lopped off Limbs, Youth Declares Combed Child's Hair, Powdered Face.

and Fixed Eyelids with Needle, Hickman Admits in Detailed Confession; Went to Theater After Gruesome Murder. ON BOND HICKMAN TRAIN, SAN JOSE. Dee. W. tailed confession of the killing Edward Hickman today deal Marian Parker.

lie gave it to Dist. tives Herman Clino and Chief of Atty. Asa a M. Keyes. Chief of DetecPolice Davis of Los Angeles on a train taking him to Los Angeles from near where he was arrested.

His motive in the kidnaping was to get $1500 to go to college. He said he had no accomplice. Hickman killed Marian by strangling with a towel. He knotted it about her throat and pulled tightly for two minutes before she 1aS scious. Cut Hole in Throat.

Then he took a pocket knife and cut 11 hole in her throat. 'Then he cut off each arm to the Albow. Then he cut her legs off at the knees. He put the limbs in a cabinet. cut up the body in his room at the Then ho removed- the clothing and cut the body through at waist, RUNNING FOR BUS, ENGINEER DROPS DEAD IN CHICOPEE Son in Law of Health Board Member Missed Early Train, Dies Hurrying with Heavy Valise.

Death terminated a happy holiday in the home of Edward Breck, Chicopee Health Board menber. vesterday morning, when his son in law. Charles G. Bolton. 45, an electrical engineer for the General Electric Company, dropped dead 'in Chicopee City Hall Square while hurrying 10 catch, a Bolton bus for missed Providence.

an carly morning Boston Maine train by which he had hoped to reach P'rovidence at noon. He boarded a Chicopee hound trolly, intending to go to Springfield :0 take aL bus. To make his connection with the Springfield trolly he was forced to run swiftly across City Hall Square. carrying a heavy valise. Ho collapsed under the strain in front of the City Hall.

Police took him to the office of Dr. P. D. Moriarty in Center Street ani Dr. Moriarty pronounced him ded 3.

after A hurried examination. Dr. Samuel E. Fletcher was called ordered the body removed to the Grise parlors from which it was later taken 10 Dillon's funcral home in Holyoke. The funeral, by request of the family, will be private and friends are asked not to send flowers.

The funeral will be 'Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in Breck home at 989 Chicopee Street. Mr. lolton was 1 native of Fall River and had worked front the Boston headquarters of the General Electric for the last 20 years, He married Miss Mary Breck two years ago, whom he leaves. He put it on a shelf in the dressing l'Oom. lie placed a towel in the body to drain the blood.

lIe wrapped up the exposed ends of the arms and waist with paper. He combed back her hair. powdered her face and then with a needle fixed her eyelids. Went to Theater. Ho did this because he realized, that he would lose the reward it he did not have the body to produco to her father.

Hickman said he wrote the "last chance" note to Parker. He went to Low's State Theater in the afternoon after slaying the girl, Hickman returned about 5.30 o'clock D. took all Daris of the body down to the car. which Wiis parked by a side entrance. hurried out Sunset Boulevard and turned into Elysian Lark.

where he disposed of the limbs. Then' he took the torso in a suitcase, -ou Sarcet. drove 011 Seventh FOURTH VICTIM OF EASTHAMPTON EXPLOSIONS DIES Richmond C. Pitcher Lingers Two Weeks in Hospital; Fifth Injured Worker Is Improving. NASTHAMPTON, Dec.

24-Richmond C. Pitcher, 23 years old. died at 9.30 o'clock this morning in CooleyDickinson Hospital. Northampton, 21 result of burns suffered in an accident in the Lasthampton Rubber Company Mills two weeks a30 today. He was born in Easthampton, the son of Mr.

and Mrs. William L. P'itcher. Besides his parents, he leaves one sister, Katherine Frances Pitcher. Ile was educated in the Rasthampton public schools, the Middlesex.

School. Williston Academy and the Berkshire School for Boys. For the last two years, he had been engaged at the plant which is managed by his father. who is the principal owner. The accident occurred when steam suddenly escaped from one c2 the vulcanizers.

Joseph Tatro. who was injured at the same time, still is confined to the Cooley-Dickinson Hospital and appears to be improving. The accident followed the explosion of a similar apparatus in the mill about three weeks earlier, which proved fatal to three men. Mr. Pitcher was very popular in Easthampton.

The funeral will be held in his parents' home Wednesday afternoon at 0 o'clock. Rev. George L. Thurlow will officiate and burial will he in Brookside Cemetery. Flood-Swept Village Feasts, Forgets Woes For Christmas Desolation and Despair Yield to Hope and Hapiness in Waterbury, Children Are Given Toys.

WATERBURY, Dec. 26-(AP) Desolation and despair gave way to hope and happiness as the Vermont town that suffered most from the devastating flood of early November celebrated Christinas today. Fifteen hundred residents of flood-ravaged community met in the Congregational Church, the only one that stood the high water mark when the raging waters swept through the village, to partake cf a sumptuous dinner and receive gifts provided by civic organizations of Burlington 88 an the families expression of whom Christmas the flood cheer had to exacted its heaviest toll. There were 1600 pounds of turkey roasted by expert cooks in the chormous oven at the Vermont State Hosnital, as. well as 400 pounds of chicken.

200 pounds of venison, 20 bushels. of potatoes, 3000 rolls, 70 pounds of butter, seven bushels of turnips, 250 mince Breaks Completely Under Long Grilling in Speeding Train No of of a Admits He. Lied in Naming Accomplice; Choked Child with Piano Wire; Cut Body in Bathtub. CURIOUS FILL EVERY STATION ON 3. Youth Is Cheerful, Eats.

with Gusto Early in Day; Later Appears Haggard and Pallid. Arctic Mail Man Braves Icy Death to Keep Schedule CIRCLE. Alaska, Dec. 26- (AD) A valiant battle against the most. severe storm in interior Alaska in 20 years was successful when mail sled driver Jewell.

braving weather of 58 helow to bring holiday greetings this Arctic outpost, rived 011 schedule, but with his hands and face frozen and his team of dogs suffering front the cold. TRUCK TOW CHAIN CRUSHES WORKER AS MOTOR STARTS. Charles Boyden, 39, Pinned on Running Board When Tangled Links Pull Machines Together. Crushed when 1 truck which was being towed picked up the towing chain and then swung into the side of the towing truck, Charles Boyden, 30 years old, of 67 Wason Avenue, was on the danger list at the Wesson yesterday morning when it was found that he was suffering from two fractured ribs, a slight injury to his spine and possible internal injuries. ties said that condition had imEarly this morning, hospital authoriproved to some extent and that hope sras held out for his recovery.

Boyden was lying on the right running. board and front fender of the truck being towed holding the choker wire when the motor started and the tow chain wound around one of the forward wheels. The rear truck picked un 011 the forward one and then swung to the right catching Boyden between. The accident was one of the most unusual ones in police records this year. although it resembled in a way the recent bus accident when bus picked up the towing chain and was swung off the rond.

The accident occurred in Albany Street in front of the Gult Refining Company. Botli truck; Were tic property of that company. The rowing truck was being driven by Charles Doagher of 72 Morose Street, who reported the accident at headquarters. Ralph Albee of 67 Case Street, whom police learned is not licensed to car, WAS at the wheel of the rear truck. The trucks had gone about 90 Lect from the company gate when the engine started.

Meaner turned around, noted that the other truck was picking up 01 him anl proceeded 70 feet when the other truck crashed into his. Both chines stopped when it was found that Boyden was apparently seriously injured. ITe was taken to the hospital the truck by Meagher. Meagher reported that he had asked Borden. also 111 employe of the r'efining company, to help him.

Police are making a thorough investigation the case. Child Loses Life to Save Her Dolly Finds Christmas Gift Afire, Is Fatally Burned Trying to Extinguish Flames. DALTIMORE, Dec. 26-(AT) Little Verna Chance, gave' her life today 1 to save her Christmas dolly from fire. The child had crept downstairs to "mother" her little gift, and found that its clothing had caught fire from an overheated gas stove.

her attempt 10 extinguish the flames, Verna's dress became ignited. she died, shortly after being taken to a hospital. from burns. Louisiana Flood Drives 38 Families from NEW IBERIA, Thirty -eight families have been forced to vacate their homes as a result of a break in a reconstructed Aichafalaya River levee at Cycremore, La. A Red Cross reconstruction officer estimated that 150.

families would he homeless by the time the crest of the flood is reached Thursday, NINE ARE INJURED IN TRIPLE CRASH ON HOLYOKE ROAD Hatfield and Springfield Machines Collide Headon; Third Piles Up Atop Wreckage. SKATES SCATTERED ALONG HIGHWAY Autos Demolished, Two Rushed to Holyoke Hospital, Rest to City: Nurses Said to Be Nine persons are in hospitals in this city and Holyoke and three automobiles were badly damaged as the result of a three-cornered crash in Riverdale Street, West Springfield. near the Riverdale Market Garden. at midnight last night. The Injured were rushed to hospitals passing motorists, and when the West Springfield police arrived at the scene in response to a telephone call all those involved had been taken away.

It an early hour this morning Sergt. Charles McCarthy and Patrolman Walter J. Jedel were making the rounds the hospitals with a view toward learning what had happened SO as to place responsibility for the crash. Crashed Headon. From what little information police had obtained at 1.30 o'clock this morning.

it appears that John Tobacco of River Road. Hatfield, was driving north in Riverdale Street. Walter Leary of S1 King Street, this city. was coming south and had just passed a machine also going south, drive nby John C. Soben of S7 Abbe Avenue.

Springfield, when he crashed headon into Tobacco's inachine. These a two machines piled an, and before Soben could stop his car he crashed into the rear of Leary's machine. passing motorists, John IT. Olympia Street. Lasthampton: William I.

Thompson. 111 College Street. South Hadley Falls. an! Leon Gauthier of 101 Stockman Street. this city.

took the injured perSO.18 to various hosptials. One took John and Mrs. Rose Tobacco Holyoke llospital while the others rushed the other six injured to hospitals in this city, four being taken 10 the Hospital and two to the Wesson Memorial Hospital authorities said that the Tobacco couple were not seriously hurt, although cut sex rely. Shortly before 3 o'clock this morning W'est Springfield police gave out the information that Eugene Mumford of 00 Eldridge Avenue was also in on Seventh Boy Killed by Rifle, Christmas Present St. Louis Lad, Seven, Runs in Front of Target as Brother Fires.

ST. LOUIS. Dec. 26-(AP) Firing'a .22 caliber rifle which he had received as a Christmas present, Josph 20, today accidentally shot and killed his brother, John, seven. Joseph was firing at 0.

target in the back yard when John suddenly ran in front of the target. The Springfield Union Tuesday, December 27, 1927. WEATHER FORECAST Partly cloudy, not so cold today; day increasing cloudiness. Sun rises, 7.18: sets. 4.24; light all vehicle lights at 4.54.

TEMPERATURE Maximum, 33; minimum, 20. INDEX. City News 1, 1, 5, 3, 8 and 9 Chicopee 5 Radio 14 Sporting 10 and Financial Page tel ON BOARD THE CASCADE LIMITED, OAKLAND, Dec. 26-(AP)' William E. Hickman today confessed that he' alone killed 12' years old Marian Parker of Los Angeles.

the day after he kidnaped her single-handed. In a confession, amazing for its unrivaled detail: of brutality, the 19 years old youth said he. strangled the child with a piano wire and cut her body into pieces in the bath tub of his Bellevue apartment in Los Angeles. Up Eyelids. After the strangling Ilickman said ho realized that he must have the body 10 produce to the girl's father, Perry M.

Parker. Los Angeles banker. or he could not collect ransom. so he devise! the scheme of rigging her eyelids with wire to prop her head to make it appear she was alive when he returned the body to the father for $1500. The confession completely eliminated.

the mythical accomplice, one Andrew Cramer, for whom police have. been searching since the youth made confession after his capture near Pendleton, when hp sought. to throw the blame on an accomplice. Ho had no aid. It was a single- handed piece of work.

the latest confession made today revealed. Last Shield Gone. The confession today removed the last shield upon which Ilickman relied to save him from the gallows. When he enters the Superior Court in 10: Angeles tomorrow. he will go through the formality of entering 3 plea 10 murder ond kidnaping hased on his signel confessions to both.

The mask of mystery which Hickman sought to throw over the killing of the child was tori away in the course, of a grilling he underwent as the special car in which he eras being taken to Los Angeles was nearing San Francisco. Hickman gave as his reason for the killing: was afraid Sho woull make noise." Grilled by Police. Behind locked and closely guarded doors of the compartment iu which Iliokman has born held since he ieft on Sunday morning, the prisoner WAS questioned by Los Angeles officers who laid before him the gruesome details of evidence which had been gallicred at tr. 3 Bellevue a apartment. Hickman maintained until tonight that 1 hile he had been involved in the kidnaping he had not committed the actual killing.

lipon his arrival here Hickman wan taken in the club car of the Cascade Limited where he faced a battery of cameras for several nictures. The train left Oakland for Log Angeles at 9.0% welock. minutes late, with the special Hickman car attached. Crowd at Station to Gaze at Slayer. ABOARD CASCADE LIMITED.

Dec. 26--(A1') A crowd of about 300 gathered at the (Ferber station today 10 see William Edward on his war back to Lon Angeles. Hickman complained slight indisposition during the afternoon and ate nothing but broth a cup. of tea. Jearty meals after boarding the train, coupled with his previous weakend condition, was given as the cause.

The young prisoner looked sallow I Continued on Second Prays Before Judge After Accident: Charge Is Justice, Impressed by Supplication, Shakes Hands with Driver. seven degrees or if eight Rome: degrees and at the increased towns tel Rocca Di Papa and Velletri. Spectators at a football game in the Appian Veldrom felt the shock distinctly and a threatened stampede in the stands was quieted by officials. Naples, Avezzano. Florence and Milan reported no shock.

The ceneral point of the disturbance 10 have been in the Rocca Di Papa about 20 miles from Rome. At that place and Velletri, as well as several other small towns, sures opened in streets and houses the inhabitants were in a panic. Some walls fell. In firemen were quickly summoned to clear away debris and prevent accidents. Ionie was visited by a slight quake on Oct.

11 last. The center of the quake that time was' Avazzeno. No damage was done in the Eternal City although houses were rocked and the streets quivered. pics. 50 gallons of ice-cream: with plenty of cake and coffee.

SO that everyone could have a second and even it third helping if he wanteil it. Seventy members of the various.1 clubs which arranged the colobration, including some of the most prominent men in the State, served as waiters and busboys. After the dinner. tons of toys. books.

games, dolls and candy were distrihuted from :1 huge Christmas tree in the auditorium of the church. where the arms of the children were piled high -ith presents. Waterbury never has had a celebration like it. Faces marked' with sorrow since the flood shone with joy and thankfulness. In the auditorium, the Burlington Symphony Orchestra gave a concert and 10 the listeners who filled every inch of standing room no merrier Christmas music over poured from a choir loft.

The selections ranged from Christmas carols to "I've. Been on M. M'T. EPHRA0 N. Doc.

26- (Al') After an automobile crash on Black Horse Pike near here tonight the two drivers were taken before Recorder Walton and one of them 1e- quested the privilege of offering prayer for the guidance of the recorder in massing, 011 Inquest the case. granted and Ar. thur Williams of Belinawr knelt revcrently and offered up his supplication. The other driver, Stacy Butcher of Salem appeared deeply impressed by the singular episode and the result was an amicable settlement. The two men' shook hands and left the courtroom smiling.

Williams. was driving homeward with his wife and five children when his sedan was struck by Butcher's car. it was found necessary to cut out the top of the sedan to extricate the Williams family. but they had escaped and 4 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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