Medical abbreviations and acronyms (S) | Radiology Reference Article | (2024)

This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronymsthat start with the letter S and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order).

  • S

    • sacral

    • second (SI unit of time)

    • sulfur

  • S1-S4: first, second, third, fourth heart sounds

  • S100

  • SA

    • sem*n analysis

    • sinoatrial

  • SAA: serum amyloid A

  • SAAG: serum ascites albumin gradient

  • SAB:subacromial bursa

  • SABA: short-acting beta-2 agonist (e.g. albuterol)

  • SABR: stereotactic ablative radiotherapy

  • SACT: systemic anti-cancer therapy

  • SAD

    • seasonal affective disorder

    • short axis diameter

  • SAE: sepsis-associated encephalopathy

  • Sag: sagittal

  • SAH:subarachnoid hemorrhage

  • SALT: speech and language therapy

  • SAM: segmental arterial mediolysis

  • SAN: sinoatrial node

  • SAP: superior articular process (of vertebra)

  • S&S: signs and symptoms

  • SAPHO:synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis

  • SAR: specific absorption rate

  • SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome

  • SARS-CoV-1: severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-1

  • SARS-CoV-2:severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2

  • SAVR: surgical aortic valve replacement

  • SB

    • small bowel

    • spectral broadening

    • stillbirth

  • Sb: antimony (Latin: stibium)

  • SBBOS: small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome

  • SBC:simple bone cyst

  • SBE:subacute bacterial endocarditis

  • SBF: small bowel follow through

  • SBFT: small bowel follow through

  • SBO:small bowel obstruction

  • SBP

    • spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

    • systolic blood pressure

  • SBPL:spontaneous bacterial pleuritis

  • SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy

  • SBS: seat belt sign

  • SC

    • spinal cord

    • subcutaneous

  • Sc: scandium

  • SCA

    • sickle cell anemia

    • subclavian artery

    • superior cerebellar artery

  • SCAD: spontaneous coronary artery dissection

  • SCC:

    • semicircular canal

    • spinal cord compression

    • squamous cell cancer

    • squamous cell carcinoma

  • SCCD:semicircular canal dehiscence

  • SCCP: small cell carcinoma of the prostate

  • SCD

    • sickle cell disease

    • sudden cardiac death

    • superior canal dehiscence

  • SCDO:spondylocostal dysostosis

  • SCI: spinal cord injury

  • SCIWORA:spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality

  • SCJ:sternoclavicular joint

  • SCLC:small cell lung cancer

  • SCM:sternocleidomastoid

  • SCoR: Society and College of Radiographers (UK)

  • SCOS: small cell osteosarcoma

  • SCORIF: stimulated cycle oocyte retrieval in [office]fertilisation

  • scRNA-seq: single-cell RNA sequencing

  • SCS: spinal cord stimulator

  • SCT: stem cell transplant

  • SCV:subclavian vein

  • SD

  • SDASH:shunt-dependency in symptomatic aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage score

  • SDD:surfactant deficiency disorder

  • SDEC: same-day emergency care

  • SDH:subdural hemorrhage

  • SE

    • side-effect

    • spin echo

    • status epilepticus

  • Se: selenium

  • Sec: second

  • SEE: septic-embolic encephalitis

  • SEEG:stereoelectroencephalography

  • SeHCAT:selenium hom*ocholic acid taurine

  • SEMAC: slice-encoding for metal artifact correction (Siemens)

  • SEMS: self-expandable metallic stent

  • SEP: superior end-plate (vertebral body)

  • Ser: serine

  • sestamibi:sesta-methoxyisobutylisonitrile

  • SFA:superficial femoral artery

  • SFH: symphyseal fundal height

  • SFLC: serum free light chains

  • SFSS: small for size syndrome (liver graft)

  • SFV:superficial femoral vein(femoral vein preferred)

  • SGA​

    • small for gestational age

    • supraglottic airway

  • SGC: Swan-Ganz catheter

  • SGHL:superior glenohumeral ligament

  • SH

    • Salter-Harris

    • social history

  • SHG:sonohysterogram

  • SHO: senior house officer

  • SHORT syndrome:short stature,hyperextensibility and/or inguinal hernia,ocular depression,Rieger anomaly,teething delay

  • SHx: social history

  • SI

    • sacroiliac

    • secondary infertility

    • serious incident

    • sexual intercourse

    • signal intensity

    • situs inversus

    • small intestine

    • Systeme Internationale (d'unites) (SI units)

  • Si: silicon

  • SIADH: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

  • SIBO: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

  • SICRET:small infarctions of cochlear, retinal and encephalic tissue = Susac syndrome

  • SIDM: steroid-induced diabetes mellitus

  • SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome

  • SIJ:sacroiliac joint

  • SIM: simulation

  • SIMV: synchronised intermittent mechanical ventilation

  • SINS:spinal instability neoplastic score

  • SIRT: selective internal radiotherapy

  • SIRVA: shoulder injury related to vaccine administration

  • SIT: situs inversus totalis

  • SJS:Stevens-Johnson syndrome

  • SKA: simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant

  • SkM: skeletal muscle

  • SLAC:scapholunate advanced collapse

  • SLAP:superior labral anterior-posterior(tear)

  • SLE:

    • Saint Louis encephalitis

    • systemic lupus erythematosus

  • SLEC: spinal longitudinal epidural collection

  • SLG:sublingual gland

  • SLGA:superior lateral genicular artery

  • SLGB: single lumen gastric bypass

  • SLIG: single live intrauterine gestation

  • SLIP: single live intrauterine pregnancy

  • SLIUG: single live intrauterine gestation

  • SLIUP: single live intrauterine pregnancy

  • SLJ:Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease

  • SLL:scapholunate ligament

  • SLN: sentinel lymph node

  • SLNBx: sentinel lymph node biopsy

  • SLT:speech and language therapy

  • SLYM: subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane

  • SM

    • smooth muscle

    • submucosa

  • SMA

    • superior mesenteric artery

    • smooth muscle actin (immunohistochemistry)

    • supplementary motor area


    • specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely

    • stroke-like migraine attacks after radiation therapy syndrome

  • SMAS: superficial musculoaponeurotic system

  • SMEI:severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy

  • SMG:submandibular gland

  • SMGA:superior medial genicular artery

  • SMR: stable metabolic response

  • SMS: sonographic Murphy sign

  • SMV

    • submentovertical

    • superior mesenteric vein

  • SN: sentinel node

  • Sn

    • sensitivity

    • tin (Latin: stannum)

  • SNAC:scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse

  • SNBx: sentinel node biopsy

  • SNHL:sensorineural hearing loss

  • SNiP:single nucleotide polymorphism

  • SNOH:surgical neck of humerus

  • SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism

  • SNpc: substantia nigra pars compacta

  • SNR:signal-to-noise ratio

  • SNRI: serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

  • SNS: sympathetic nervous system

  • SNT: soft, non-tender

  • SOA: swelling of ankles

  • SOAP:subjective,objective,assessment, plan (medical notes)

  • SOB: shortness of breath

  • SOBAR: shortness of breath at rest

  • SOBOE: shortness of breath on exertion

  • SOD: septo-optic dysplasia

  • SOF:superior orbital fissure

  • SOFS:superior orbital fissure syndrome

  • SOL: space-occupying lesion

  • SONK: spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee

  • SOP: standard operating procedure

  • SoR: Society of Radiographers (UK)

  • SOS

    • satisfaction of search (error)

    • sinusoidal obstruction syndrome

  • SOV:superior ophthalmic vein

  • SOVA: sinus of Valsalva aneurysm

  • SP

    • sacral promontory

    • spinous process

  • Sp

    • species

    • specificity

  • SPTTL:superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament

  • S/P: status post (i.e. post-procedure/surgery)


    • sampling perfection with application optimized contrasts using different flip angle evolution (Siemens)

    • spatial and chemical-shift encoded excitation

  • SpaceOAR: space organ at risk

  • SPAIR: spectral attenuated inversion recovery

  • SPC: suprapubic catheter

  • SPECIAL: spectral inversion at lipid

  • SPECT:single photon emission computed tomography

  • SPET:single photon emission computed tomography

  • SPGR:spoiled gradient recalled

  • SPIR: spectral presaturation with inversion recovery

  • SPMS:secondary progressive multiple sclerosis

  • SPN:solitary pulmonary nodule

  • Spp: species (plural)

  • SQ

    • status quo

    • subcutaneous

  • SR: sinus rhythm

  • Sr: strontium

  • SREAT: steroid responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis

  • SRM

    • small renal mass

    • solitary renal mass

  • SRO: sagittal ramus osteotomy

  • SROM:spontaneous rupture of membranes

  • SRS

    • Silver-Russell syndrome

    • somatostatin receptor scintigraphy

    • stereotactic radiosurgery

  • SS

    • signs and symptoms

    • situs solitus

    • Sjögren syndrome

    • straight sinus

    • supraspinatus muscle

    • systemic sclerosis

  • SSCC: superior semicircular canal

  • SSD

    • solid state drive

    • source skin distance

  • SSFP:steady state free precession

  • SSG: split skin graft

  • SSI: surgical site infection

  • ssp: subspecies

  • SSPE: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

  • SSR: spontaneous splenic rupture

  • SSRF: surgical stabilization of rib fractures

  • SSRI:selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

  • SSS

    • sick sinus syndrome

    • superior sagittal sinus

  • SST: short Synacthen test

  • SSTR: somasostatin receptor

  • ST

    • speech therapy

    • ST segment on ECG

  • STA:superficial temporal artery

  • STAMCA:superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery anastomosis

  • Staph: Staphylococcus spp.

  • stat: immediately (Latin: statim)

  • STD

    • sexually transmitted disease

    • ST depression

  • STE: ST elevation

  • STEMI:ST segment elevation myocardial infarct

  • STI:

    • sexually transmitted infection

    • soft tissue injury

  • STIR

    • short tau inversion recovery

    • short TI inversion recovery

  • STJ

    • sinotubular junction (of the ascending aorta)

    • subtalar joint

  • STOP: selective tubal occlusive procedure

  • STP: standard temperature and pressure

  • Strep: Streptococcus spp.

  • STT

    • scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint

    • Schirmer tear test

    • serial thrombin time

    • straight to test

  • STUMP: stromal tumor of uncertain malignant potential

  • SUA:single umbilical artery

  • Sub: subiculum

  • subcut: subcutaneous

  • subsp: subspecies

  • SUDEP: sudden unexplained death in epilepsy

  • SUDI: sudden unexpected death in infancy

  • SUI: serious untoward incident

  • SUIB: sitting up in bed

  • SUL:standardized uptake value corrected for lean body mass

  • SUO: syncope of unknown origin

  • supraclav: supraclavicular

  • SUV: standardized uptake value

  • SV: stroke volume

  • Sv: sievert

  • SVC:superior vena cava

  • SVD: spontaneous vagin*l delivery

  • SVI: stroke volume index

  • SVR: sustained virologic response

  • SVT

    • subdural venous thrombosis

    • superficial venous thrombosis

    • supraventricular tachycardia

  • SWAN: syndrome without a name

  • SWI:susceptibility-weighted imaging

  • SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

  • SWS:Sturge-Weber syndrome

  • SWU: sepsis workup

  • Sx: signs

  • SXR: skull x-ray

  • Sy: symptoms

  • Symp: symptoms

  • Symph: symphysis pubis

  • Sys: systems review

  • Medical abbreviations and acronyms (S) | Radiology Reference Article | (2024)


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