Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (2024)

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (1)

Historical clothing is a broad topic, huh? People have been wearing clothes since we shed that monkey fur. We've come a long way since the palm fronds of Adam and Eve. Although, sometimes it feels like we've come full circle when it comes to simplicity. Until the turn of the last century, clothing seemed to get more elaborate, but somewhere along the line, our attitudes about pomp and flair changed. With a few exceptions (thank you, Alexander McQueen), clothing before the age of the machine was much more interesting than today's wardrobe. There's a reason we still love wearing Renaissance festival costumes. Those historical dresses embraced different lush materials, complicated pleating, and layers of lace. Even the somber colonial costumes had a sense of flair (in the most puritan sense). You don't see people walking around with buckles on their hats these days, do you? So, below is just a sampling of our very broad selection of historical costumes. We think it will give you some big ideas on how to engage with history in a new and fun way.

Victorian Costumes

Speaking of pleating and lace, the Victorians weren't afraid of overdoing it when it came to detail. Elaborate detail permeated their décor, their writing, and especially their clothing. A typical Victorian gown could contain four different kinds of lush fabric, endless varieties of pleating, and pounds of lace. If you're having trouble deciding on something to wear this year, imagine all the work that went into planning Victorian Halloween costumes ! It must have been an all-year affair! Luckily for you, we’ve come up with some ideas for you and they’re already made.

Sherlock Holmes Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (2)

As much a beloved character now as he was in the Victorian era, Holmes’ genius for deducing the truth from minute details would come in handy in our modern era. He could figure out who ate the last piece of pizza that you had been saving for an after-work snack! His iconic overcoat and deerstalker hat were needed for those drizzly, foggy nights, tracking down clues on the London streets. His slick look beats a plastic poncho and is a great option for Halloween, a murder mystery party, or even an extra special book club get together. Just don’t forget to bring along his trusty pipe for those sullen moments of pondering.

Victorian Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (3)

The key to becoming a proper Victorian socialite is keeping those hemlines long, those necklines high and lacy, and those sleeves puffed. This dame has the look down, although she could use a cameo necklace if she’s heading to a formal affair. Wear this costume to an 1800s-themed high tea, Western reenactment, or a Victorian fair. Anyone would be lucky to have tea in your drawing room, they just might learn a thing or two about propriety!

Girls Steampunk Costume

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Not all Victorian-era costumes have to be historically accurate: it’s not as if those Victorians were a generation obsessed with facts. If you ever see illustrations on what the Victorians thought the future would look like, you might just wish for that alternate reality. Sure, woman were still wearing corsets in their year 2000 imaginations but they also drew up elaborate rotating houses and flying boats that were shaped like fish. No wonder people still long for that steampunk dream, where inventions were popping out like hotcakes, each more complicated and gear-stuffed than the last. A Victorian age where woman were judged for their inventions and not their ability to stay silent, yes please!

Boys Sherlock Costume

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It's not just highbrow adults that are looking for super-sleuthing Sherlock Holmes costumes! In fact, kids tend to be more inquisitive than we know-it-all adults, making them great detectives. They aren’t afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions, which gives them an edge they could use to crack the big case. Just be careful how much you encourage that deductive reasoning: your detective might just put together why his candy stash looks smaller the morning after Halloween. Your Almond-Joy-thieving days could potentially be brought to an end when your child wears this Sherlock Holmes costume.

Renaissance Costumes

The Renaissance , an era where people were rediscovering science and new trade routes were opening up, allowing silks and spices to arrive in the households of the very rich. Not that everything was sunshine and cinnamon. This was an era full of political violence and peasant uprisings. But hey, the clothing! The duds of this era were truly something to behold. While the era isn’t perfect, let's all agree to focus on the positive when we're donning our Queen Elizabeth costumes. Practice saying things like, “Forget the war, check out this brocade!” If you’re wondering if you’re embodying that rich Ren flair just add more jewelry, especially if you’re wearing a Henry VIII costume, three rings on every finger!

Queen Elizabeth Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (6)

Her father started a new church just so he could divorce her mother and proceeded to continuously confuse the kingdom by beheading and divorcing a succession of wives. It's no wonder why Queen Elizabeth had no desire to link herself to a man before taking the throne. She had no desire to reign in her love of luxurious fabrics and jewels, either. In fact, the velvet, red brocade, and pearl details of this ensemble would have pleased her majesty very much. To make it clear that you’re the red-headed Queen Elizabeth, find one of our Queen of hearts wigs, don a couple strands of pearls and you’ll be a dead ringer.

Medieval Costume

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During Queen Elizabeth’s reign, her soldiers often had to stamp out rebellions against the throne. When they were sent to the northern lands, her men knew they couldn’t afford to be distracted by the bone-chilling climate. A man focused on his mission would have worn layers. Leather gloves and a leather jerkin would have done double-duty, helping the soldier stay warm and protecting him from minor scrapes and cuts in combat. The cloak with its fur collar and cozy gray wool would also work as camouflage as the soldier waited for the rebellious party on the moors of the highlands. This ensemble will demand respect from Halloween revelers or LARPing friends. Just make sure you have the right sword ! With the faux leather, wool, and fur of this ensemble, you’ll look right at home when you saunter into Elizabeth’s court announcing your victory.

Girls Knight Costume

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If you're looking for Renaissance fair costumes for your daughter, she's not limited to the precious princess circuit. We all know she could take on that fire breathing dragon like a pro; just put a sword and shield in her hand and she'd be ready to save the kingdom. Maybe you think she's too young, but Joan of Arc first got her heroic ideas around the age of twelve. It's never too early to give your brazen girl her armor- might as well be ready to face the beast when she's dressing in a knight costume for Halloween.

Boys Knight Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (9)

If you’ve been on the lookout for knight costumes for boys, you know there are options out there. This ensemble will work for whatever quest they find themselves on, from confronting ogres to recovering treasure from dragons. With a hood that looks like chain mail, a tunic, gauntlets, and boot covers, your kid is ready to defeat anything. You could even dress his little sibling as a dragon so he has a worthy opponent. Finally, a sibling squabble that’s Instagram worthy!

Civil War Costumes

In the late 1800s, after years of brewing political unrest between the northern and southern states, the Civil war broke out, sending men throughout the country out to their tailors to be fitted for their military uniforms . Men on both sides went to war looking spiffy with double-breasted uniforms, tintype photographs of their loved ones, and shining boots. So if you’re reenacting a Civil War battle or doing a history report, do American history justice and suit up in Civil War uniform costumes like these proud soldiers would have worn.

Union Officer Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (10)

The Union army struck a balance between the eye-catching bright red of the Napoleon Bonaparte costume that the French were embracing and the camouflage colors our soldiers would wear in the modern era. The sharp dark blue with the gold gilded buttons looked smart as they marched to war but blended into the woods as they confronted the rebels. Whether you’re more of a Ulysses S. Grant or a simple grunt, this Union soldier costume uniform would make those Yankees proud.

Rebel Officer Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (11)

Politics and history aside, it’s undeniable which army had the better battle cry. There’s no whiskey called Northern Holler, although, if you decide to start that distillery, do us a favor and send us a sample. When you’re staging a reenactment as General Lee this sharp Confederate soldier costume ensemble will inspire those battle cries from your rebel underlings.

Abraham Lincoln Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (12)

We should toast to the man who kept our union together when our states were hanging by a thread. Or maybe we should just dress like him whenever we have the opportunity. This guy had style for a kid that grew up in the woods . As sad as it is, we have to admit that the days of presidents wearing hats bigger than a breadbox are over. Maybe this fashion trend will come back around four score and seven years from now. In the meantime, you can still wear an Abraham Lincoln costume to look like one of America's most beloved presidents.

Toy Rifle

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (13)

Whether you’re dressing as a Union soldier for a costume party or a cemetery walk, your rifle accessory has to match your ensemble. You can’t very well be dressed in your Union soldier costume and carry an AK-47 . Although soldiers back in the day would have appreciated being able to shoot further than 80 feet and not having to load their rifle after every shot, still, history is history! You don’t get to fast-forward your weaponry just to get the upper-hand on the reenactment field.

Masquerade Ball Costumes

The love of costumes is far from a modern phenomenon. The first costumed bash was held in the 1400s with costumes made of pitch. These wild costumes would actually catch fire if dancers got too close to torches! Who knew Burning Man was such an old event? Historical Halloween costumes would have consisted of handmade masks, arsenic-based face paint, and borrowed wardrobes. Lucky for us, due to the wonders of the internet, we can put together ensembles that those courtiers would have only dreamed of. We can even paint our faces without risking arsenic poisoning. Isn’t that swell!

Masquerade Ball Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (14)

Masquerades have a dark and a light side. Of course, like so many other things in life, it’s a little more fun to go the dark route. This mademoiselle must have come to an untimely end when she was dressed in her finest. Well, it’s not a raw deal being eternally elegant. When you’re attending an event as the ghost of a masquerade reveler, the key is the ghastly white wig and white mask , no one will know whether it’s the face of someone living or dead beneath the brocaded facade. But they will know you’re the life of the party.

Princess Dress

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (15)

A royal ball is a royal ball, and even royalty don’t get many invitations to balls these days. So when you do get to don that gown, make sure it’s the magical dress you imagined. You can waltz until morning because this quality Cinderella dress won’t turn to rags at midnight. Whether or not you want to dance in glass slippers is your choice. Lucky for you, we have a pair that won’t shatter. Your fairytale dreams can come true but if you want little birds to dress you in your ballgown costume, you’ll have to train them yourself.

Masquerade Masks

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (16)

Mardi Gras masks are both a disguise and an accent piece. You can decide whether you’d like it to perfectly coordinate with your ensemble or stand out to bring attention to your pretty mug. Choose whatever shape you’d like. Whether you’d like one that only covers your eyes or one that leaves only your eyes showing is up to you. Just prepare to unmask at midnight!

Vikings Costumes

We won’t claim to have done a Norwegian paleontology study to find the most historically-accurate Viking clothing, but we can promise to have better options that those cheesy thick, yellow braids and generalized armor that could easily be categorized under knight costumes. A Viking is anything but a knight, kowtowing to some stuffy king on a throne. Our Viking costumes have the faux fur and metal-studded leather to get your raiding career off to the right start.

Vikings Costume

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Shield walls may have been their bread and butter, but there were still long winter days waiting out bad weather in the longhouses playing hnefatafl, a game that’s most challenging aspect was pronouncing the title. When they got to the battlefield, those Vikings had been preparing since they could hold a spear. They protected themselves from biting swords and axes with their own crazy facial hair , thick leather, and fur. And once they began raiding Britain they began to have a taste for those fancy metal shirts. Before you make your Viking warrior debut make sure you pick up a sword and shield set . A Viking can’t join the shield wall without a shield .

Viking Costume

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The bitter cold of the polar north isn’t going to stop this fellow. With fur-lined boots and armor, he’s ready to conquer those pesky trolls once and for all. Renaissance Faire costumes don’t always have to be Godly knights and fair ladies ; you could always show up in this barbarian Viking costume to raid the mead hall. All you need is the beard to intimidate those tin can knights.

Womens Viking Costume

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Not all Viking women were shield maidens . Most women took control over the farms while other people raided and traded. The responsibilities of a Viking woman would seem overwhelming to us modern folk. There were the farms to run, babies to raise, fish to dry. Make sure your character has a decent weapon just in case the neighboring earl gets any ideas while your men are gone raiding. Although they looked lovely in long braids and fur-trimmed gowns, those tough Viking ladies knew how to protect what was theirs.

Infant Viking Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (20)

Norsem*n started training early, like really early. When you’re donning your Viking gear there’s no reason Junior has to miss out. The sooner he learns to wear his horn helmet, the better he’ll fare in the shield wall in a couple of years. Who knows, maybe when you’re at that Norwegian festival he’ll get to try baby’s first lutefisk!

Greek Warriors Costumes

Those Greeks gave us a huge variety of characters to choose from with their varied islands, complicated history, and intricate mythology. With our options ranging from Medusa costumes to Spartan ensembles, you’re sure to find an ancient Greek costume to wear to your local chariot races.

Greek Warrior Costume

Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (21)

You know that Spartan training was intense when soldiers looked at wars as a nice respite from their rigorous training that started from early childhood. With so much time spent toughening up their soldiers, they didn’t have time to think about complicated fashion. So these men typically kept it simple, but we don’t mind. The bright white tunic costume with its leather and metal studded accents is a dashing look; just make sure you’ve got the Spartan sword and shield at the ready. All the training in the world won’t help a guy who sprints into battle unarmed, no matter how gnarly your paws are.

Kids Hercules Costume

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Zeus had plenty of stepchildren but not one of them caused as much trouble and got more recognition than the mighty Hercules. It didn’t take his mom long to realize she might be raising a handful. When Zeus’s wife, Hera, sent snakes to the little baby’s crib, the infant quickly dispatched the serpents. Talk about a childhood cut short. With an angry Goddess as motivation, it wouldn’t take long before a kid toughened up and had some child-sized armor made. If you wanted to have some family fun, pair this costume with Zeus and Hera for a semi-sweet family reunion.

Medusa Costume

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Poor Medusa, she didn’t choose her condition- her funky hairstyle was an unfair punishment from the goddess Athena. This horrible ‘do put her in a pretty isolated spot, as soon as anyone made eye contact they would turn into a statue. Talk about a stony gaze. Even if they would turn to stone, people would take a second glance at this Medusa costume. It would be worth it! This form-fitting dress has a shiny, reptilian quality to it. It seems that crown of snakes is rather glorious, almost like they’re growing on you.

Greek Sword

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Just like you shouldn’t take a knife to a gun fight or a toad to a frog fight, you shouldn’t take Excalibur to the Battle of Salamis. Make sure you’ve got a proud spartan sword; it’s the only sword you’re allowed to wield while yelling, “SPARTA!”

Southern Belle Costumes

The southern belle had a balanced wardrobe that was both demure and outrageous. Hints of their tendencies show up in their modern love of floppy hats<, bows, and big curly hair styles. Get into that sweet-tea-drinking, cricket-listening state of mind with this selection of Southern Belle costumes.

Southern Belle Costume

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Perfect for that cotillion dance or for that Southern-themed tea, this historical dress is the epitome of what it means to be a southern belle. There are a few ways you can make yourself a real southern belle. Say, “I do declare” often. (It’s applicable to every situation!) Also, coffee is out, so you’re only allowed to drink sweet tea from now on. Oh! And try and hang out on a porch as often as possible. People will be referring to you as “that southern belle” in no time!

Girls Southern Belle Costume

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It’s tough training to be a lady. First, your little one will need to carry books on her head for some reason. Honestly, that’s the only thing we know about finishing school, but that's okay! This Southern Belle dress for girls will be enough to convince the masses that your little darling is a bona fide debutante. Just give her some lace gloves for the extra element of class and, “bless your heart”, you’ve got a true southern belle in your residence.

Burlesque Costume

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Belle, yes, in the literal translation. Southern, yes- from Texas to California saloon girls were always the main ladies of those classic spaghetti westerns. Still, it might be a stretch to call this lady a southern belle. That said, if you’re looking for old-school burlesque costumes, then you’re heading in the right direction. This fallen dove would feel at home leaning on a piano, belting out a bawdy tune. Pair it with one of our saloon bartender costumes and you've got yourself a dynamic duo. Make sure you’ve got your fishnets and long gloves before you head to a Wild West casino night or a costume party. Keeping a poker face and dancing the night away comes naturally to the saloon girl.

Gone With the Wind Costume

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This was one of the largest, longest, and most problematic movies ever made. So many things had to be considered while filming Gone With the Wind: costumes for a huge cast, the complicated casting itself, even burning the set of King Kong to film the burning of Atlanta, Georgia. Considering everything involved, they did a pretty brilliant job with wardrobing the movie. Scarlet O’Hara wears plenty of show-stopping dresses in the three-hour epic. This costume is a more manageable version of the one Scarlet is wearing when she meets Rhett, who will fall in love and pines for her for twelve years. Was he obsessed because of the impact left from those green ruffles? Most likely. We’d say this dress was the most memorable dress in the film that isn’t made from curtains.

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Historical Costumes - Adult & Kids Historical Halloween Costumes (2024)


What is the most popular Halloween costume in history? ›

The Most Popular Halloween Costumes of All Time
  • Star Wars: Star Wars is always popular! ...
  • Policeman/Firefighter: Real-life superheroes likefirefighters and policemen have always been well-loved costume options for both kids and adults.
  • Witch: You don't need any hocus pocus to create a witch costume!

What is the history of costumes for Halloween? ›

It has been suggested that the custom comes from the Celtic festivals of Samhain and Calan Gaeaf, or from the practice of "souling" during the Christian observance of Allhallowtide. The Christian tradition of acknowledging the danse macabre is also suggested as the origin of dressing up on Halloween.

What is the historical reasoning for dressing up in costumes for Halloween? ›

Yet, the Halloween holiday has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “SAH-win”), a pagan religious celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of summer, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.

What was the most popular Halloween costume for adults in 2010 according to the National Retail Federation? ›

Witch is the No. 1 theme for adults and the No. 3 theme for children, according to the NRF.

What are the top 3 most popular Halloween costumes? ›

What Are the Most Popular Halloween Costumes This Year?
Rank (2023)Costume Name
23 more rows
Oct 24, 2023

What was the most popular Halloween costume in 1965? ›

1965: Sonny and Cher

When one half of a couple donned a long, black Cher wig and dressed in her over-the-top style and the other half opted for Sonny's bushy mustache and shaggy hair, there was no doubt who they were dressed as. Here are 23 more adorable (and clever!) Halloween costumes every couple has to try.

Who made the first Halloween costume? ›

It is believed the earliest mention of wearing a costume at Halloween dates back to 1585 in Scotland; however, the practice was most likely common place before then. The tradition of costumes originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.

What did the first Halloween costume look like? ›

"The spirits of the dead were impersonated by young men dressed with masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white or disguises of straw," Arnold wrote in an essay titled "Halloween Customs in the Celtic World."

What is the history of Halloween for kids? ›

The origins of Halloween date back to several ancient festivals held in the autumn. In ancient times, the holiday was marked by customs started by pagans. Pagans believed in many gods rather than a single god. It was believed that on the last night of October, the spirits of the dead roamed the Earth.

What does the Bible say about Halloween? ›

There's no mention of Halloween in the Bible since the holiday came into existence centuries after the text was written. So, when looking to the Good Book for guidance on the holiday, it's helpful to understand the history of Halloween.

What was Halloween originally called? ›

The All Saints' Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints' Day) and the night before it, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, began to be called All-Hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween.

Is Halloween dying out? ›

Although the amount of trick-or-treaters is seemingly dwindling, many people still plan on participating in other Halloween festivities. In general, 73% of people plan to participate in Halloween activities in 2023, according to a survey given by Statista.

What was the most popular Halloween costume for adults 2015? ›

Yes, Harley Quinn, the Joker's sidekick in the Batman comics and one of the main characters in next year's "Suicide Squad" movie, has the number one spot. Most of the remaining list is full of superheroes, movie characters, and classics such as princess and clown.

What was the most popular Halloween costume in 1950? ›

For example, in the 1950's pretty much every child wanted to be a cowboy at some point. Overall, cowboys were probably the Number One costume of the era, and with the amount of children playing as cowboys there was also no shortage in cowboy costumes.

What is the most googled Halloween costume? ›

For the first time in three years, witches have been knocked off their pedestal as the most searched for costume with Barbie taking the top spot.

Who wore the first Halloween costume? ›

In fact, the origins of Halloween began over 2,000 years ago with the Celts celebrating the pagan holiday known as Samhain, which marks the beginning of winter. This time of year was believed to be when the veil between the dead and the living was the thinnest and people would wear disguises to ward off spirits.

What is the oldest Halloween tradition? ›

The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.