FGS213 Fibaro Single Switch 2 User Manual FGS-2x3 Fibar Group S.A. (2024)

FGS213 Fibaro Single Switch 2 User Manual FGS-2x3 Fibar Group S.A. (1)

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FGS213 Fibaro Single Switch 2 User Manual FGS-2x3 Fibar Group S.A. (26)

O P E R AT I N GMANUALENFIBAROSINGLE/DOUBLE SWITCH 2FGS-2x3CONTENTS#1: Description and features#2: Supported loads#3: Installation#4: Adding/removing the device#5: Operating the device#6: Power and energy consumptionv1.012#7: Associations#8: Z-Wave range test#9: Additional functionality#10: Advanced parameters#11: Specifications#12: Regulations1314151624253Important safety informationRead this manual before attempting to install the device!Failure to observe recommendations included in this manualmay be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer,Fibar Group S.A. will not be held responsible for any loss or damageresulting from not following the instructions of operating manual.Danger of electrocution!FIBARO Switch 2 is designed to operate in electrical home installation. Faulty connection or use may result in fire or electric shock.All works on the device may be performed only by a qualified andlicensed electrician. Observe national regulations.Even when the device is turned off, voltage may be present at its terminals. Any maintenance introducing changes into the configurationof connections or the load must be always performed with disabledfuseRequired overcurrent protectionFIBARO Switch 2 must be protected with an overcurrent protection (fuse) with a value not higher than 10A.General information aboutthe FIBARO SystemFIBARO is a wireless smart home automation system, based on theZ-Wave protocol. All of available devices can be controlled througha computer (PC or Mac), smartphone or tablet. Z-Wave devices arenot only receivers, but can also repeat the signal, increasing theZ-Wave network’s range. It gives advantage over traditional wirelesssystems that require direct link between transmitter and receiver, asa result the construction of the building could affect network’s rangenegatively.Every Z-Wave network has its unique identification number (homeID). Multiple independent networks can exist in the building withoutinterfering. Transmission security of FIBARO System is comparable towired systems.Z-Wave technology is the leading solution in smart home automation.There is a wide range of Z-Wave devices that are mutuallycompatible, independently of manufacturer. It gives the system theability to evolve and expand over time. For more information visit:www.fibaro.com.ďťż4#1: Description and featuresFIBARO Switch 2 is designed to be installed in standard wall switchboxes or anywhere else where it is necessary to control electricdevices. FIBARO Switch 2 allows to control connected devices eithervia the Z-Wave+ network or via a switch connected directly to it andis equipped with active power and energy consumption meteringfunctionality.NOTEThis device may beused with all devices certified withthe Z-Wave Plus certificate and should becompatible with suchdevices produced byother manufacturers.NOTEMain features of FIBARO Switch 2:•Compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ Controller,•Supports protected mode (Z-Wave network security mode) withAES-128 encryption,•Advanced microprocessor control,•Active power and energy metering functionality,•Works with various types of switches – momentary, toggle,three-way, etc,•To be installed in wall switch boxes of dimensions allowing forinstallation, conforming to provisions of applicable regulations,•FIBARO Switch 2 is an extension unit.FIBARO Switch 2 isa Security EnabledZ-Wave Plus productand a Security Enabled Z-Wave Controller must be used in order to fully utilize theproduct.Description and featuresFIBARO Switch 2 is a fullycompatible Z-Wave PLUS device.5#2: Supported loadsThe Switch 2 may operate under the following loads:•Conventional incandescent light sources,•Halogen light sources,•Electrical appliances which power consumption does not exceedthe limit for a specified device.Applied load and the Switch 2 itself may be damaged ifthe applied load is inconsistent with the technical specifications!When connecting the Switch 2 act in accordance with the followingrules:•Do not connect loads greater than those recommended!•Do not connect types of load other than resistive!Rated load current table:DeviceSingle Switch 2(FGS-213)Double Switch 2(FGS-223)LoadIEC standardsUL standards8A6.5A6.5A per channel 6A per channel10A overallNOTEIEC certification applies in EU countriesand most countriesusing 220-240V~. ULcertification appliesin United States andmost countries using100-120V~.9.5A overallSupported loads6#3: InstallationConnecting the Switch 2 in a manner inconsistent with thismanual may cause risk to health, life or material damage.When connecting the Switch 2 act in accordance with thefollowing rules:•Connect only in accordance with one of the diagrams,•Electrical installation must be protected by overcurrent protection(fuse) of with a value not higher than 10A,•The Switch 2 should be installed in a wall switch box compliant witha relevant national safety standards and with depth no less than60mm,•Electrical switches used in installation should be compliant with therelevant safety standards,•Length of wires used to connect the control switch should notexceed 10m.Notes for the diagrams:S1 - terminal for 1st switch (has the function ofS1 S2 L L Q Nactivating the learning mode)SINGLESWITCH 2FGS-213S2 - terminal for 2nd switchL - terminal for live leadQ/Q1 - output terminal of the 1st channelS1 S2 Q2 L Q1 NDOUBLESWITCH 2FGS-223Q2 - output terminal of the 2nd channel (onlyDouble Switch 2)N - terminal for neutral leadB - service button (used to add/remove the device and navigate the menu)Tips for arranging the antenna:Installation•Locate the antenna as far from metal elements as possible(connecting wires, bracket rings, etc.) in order to preventinterferences,•Metal surfaces in the direct vicinity of the antenna (e.g. flushmounted metal boxes, metal door frames) may impair signalreception!•Do not cut or shorten the antenna - its length is perfectly matchedto the band in which the system operates.7Installation of the Switch 2:1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).2. Open the wall switch box.3. Connect with one of following the diagrams for appropriatedevice:single switchdouble switchS1 S2 L L Q1 NS1 S2 L L Q1 NSINGLESWITCH 2FGS-213NOTESwitch connected tothe S1 terminal is amaster switch. It activates the basic functionality of the device(turning the first loadon/off ) and activatesthe learning mode(adding/removing).The switch connected to the S2 terminal turns on/ofthe second load inDouble Switch 2,but is optional inSingle Switch 2 andpushing it will not affect the status of thedevice.SINGLESWITCH 2FGS-213Wiring diagrams - Single Switch 2single switchdouble switchS1 S2 Q2 L Q1 NDOUBLESWITCH 2FGS-223S1 S2 Q2 L Q1 NDOUBLESWITCH 2FGS-223Wiring diagrams - Double Switch 24. After verifying correctness of the connection switch on the mainsvoltage.5. Add the device to the Z-Wave network (see “Adding/removing thedevice” on page 8).NOTEAfter switching on themains voltage LEDindicator will signalZ-Wave network inclusion state with acolour:GREEN - device addedRED - device not added6. Turn off the mains voltage, then arrange the device and its antenna in a wall switch box.7. Close the wall switch box and turn on the mains voltage.Installation8#4: Adding/removing the deviceNOTEIn case of problemswith adding/removing using S1 switch,use B-button instead(located on the housing)CAUTIONWhile adding theSwitch 2 to the network with connectedtoggle switch, ensurethat switch contact isopen (off ). Otherwiseit will prevent adding/removing the deviceto/from the network.NOTERemoving the Switch 2from the Z-Wave network restores all thedefault parameters ofthe device, but doesnot reset power metering data.NOTEAdding in securitymode must be performed up to 2 metersfrom the controller.Adding (Inclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to addthe device to existing Z-Wave network.To add the device to the Z-Wave network:1. Place the Switch 2 within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.2. Identify the S1 switch.3. Set the main controller in (security/non-security) add mode (seethe controller’s manual).4. Quickly, three times press the S1 switch.5. Wait for the adding process to end.6. Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’smessage.Removing (Exclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing toremove the device from existing Z-Wave network.To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:1. Place the Switch 2 within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.2. Identify the S1 switch.3. Set the main controller in remove mode (see the controller’smanual).4. Quickly, three times press the S1 switch.5. Wait for the removing process to end.6. Successful removing will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’smessage.Adding/removing the device9#5: Operating the deviceControlling the Switchand parameter 20 set to 0:usingmomentaryswitch1x click:• Change the state of the connected load to the opposite one(S1 switches 1st channel, S2 switches 2nd channel),•Change the state of 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch), 4th and 5th (S2 switch)association group to the opposite one.2x click:• Set maximum level of devices associated in 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch),4th and 5th (S2 switch) group.Hold:• Start smooth control of devices associated in 3rd (S1 switch) and5th (S2 switch) group.Release:• Stop smooth control of devices associated in 3rd (S1 switch) and5th (S2 switch) group.Controlling the Switch 2 using a toggle switch and parameter 20set to 1:Close switch contact:• Turn ON the connected load (S1 switches 1st channel, S2 switches2nd channel),•Turn ON devices associated in 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch), 4th and 5th(S2 switch) group.Open switch contact:• Turn OFF the connected load (S1switches 1st channel, S2switches2nd channel).•NOTEMomentary switchAfter releasing theswitch a spring automatically pushes backand disconnects theswitch)Toggle switchOperates as a two-position switch, it has nospring that would setone position of theswitch.NOTEToggle switch andparameter 20 set to 1:State of the deviceis synchronized withstate of the externaltoggle switches.Toggle switch andparameter 20 set to 2:State of the device isreversed with everychange in state ofthe external toggleswitch.Turn OFF devices associated in 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch), 4th and 5th(S2 switch) group.Controlling the Switch 2 using a toggle switch and parameter 20set to 2:Change switch position once:• Change the state of the connected load to the opposite one(S1 switches 1st channel, S2 switches 2nd channel),•Change the state of 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch), 4th and 5th (S2 switch)association group to the opposite one.Change switch position twice:• Set maximum level of devices associated in 2nd, 3rd (S1 switch),4th and 5th (S2 switch) group.Operating the device10Controlling the Switch 2 using the B-button:The Switch 2 is equipped with a B-button, which allows to use themenu and perform the following actions:1x click:•Cancel alarm mode (flashing alarm).•Select desired menu position (if menu is active).•Exit range test.•Turn 1st channel ON/OFF.3x click:•Send the Node Info Z-Wave command frame (adding/removing).Hold:•Enter the menu (confirmed by the LED indicator).Menu allows to perform Z-Wave network actions. In order to use themenu:1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).2. Remove the Switch 2 from the wall switch box.3. Switch on the mains voltage.4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.5. Wait for the LED to indicate the desired menu position with colour:•GREEN - reset energy consumption memory•VIOLET - start range test•YELLOW - reset the device6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.NOTEResetting the device isnot the recommended way of removingthe device from theZ-Wave network. Usereset procedure onlyif the primary controller is missing orinoperable.Certaindevice removal can beachieved by the procedure of removingdescribed in “Adding/removing the device”on page 8.Operating the deviceResetting the Switch 2:1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).2. Remove the Switch 2 from the wall switch box.3. Switch on the mains voltage.4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.5. Wait for the visual LED indicator to glow yellow.6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.7. After few seconds the device will be restarted, which is signalledwith the red LED indicator colour.11Controlling the Switch 2 using FIBARO Home Center controller:After adding the Switch 2 to the network, it will be represented in the Home Center interface by two similar icons, one for eachchannel. Icon for second channel is hidden for Single Switch 2:Turning the device ON/OFF – ON and OFF icons are used for operating the load.Operating the device12#6: Power and energyconsumptionCAUTIONThe Switch 2 requirethe power consumption of connected loadequal to 5W or greaterto correctly measurethe power and energy.NOTEPower measurementcan contain mainsvoltage fluctuationswithin +/- 10%.CAUTIONThe Switch 2 storesperiodically(everyhour) the consumption data in the devicememory. Disconnecting the module fromthe power supply willnot erase stored energy consumption data.The Switch 2 allows for the active power and energy consumption monitoring. Data is sent to the main Z-Wave controller, e.g.Home Center.Measuring is carried out by the most advanced micro-controller technology, assuring maximum accuracy and precision (+/- 1% for loadsgreater than 5W).Electric active power - power that energy receiver is changing into awork or a heat. The unit of active power is Watt [W].Electric energy - energy consumed by a device through a timeperiod. Consumers of electricity in households are billed by suppliers on the basis of active power used in given unit of time. Mostcommonly measured in kilowatt-hour [kWh]. One kilowatt-hour isequal to one kilowatt of power consumed over period of one hour,1kWh = 1000Wh.Resetting consumption memory:The Switch 2 allows to erase stored consumption data in three ways:a) Using functionality of a Z-Wave controller (see the controller’smanual).b) Manually clearing the data using the following procedure:1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).2. Remove the Switch 2 from the wall switch box.3. Switch on the mains voltage.4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.5. Wait for the visual LED indicator to glow green.6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.7. Energy consumption memory will be erased.c) By resetting the device (see “Operating the device” on page 9).Power and energy consumption13#7: AssociationsAssociation (linking devices) - direct control of other devices withinthe Z-Wave system network e.g. Dimmer, Relay Switch, Roller Shutteror scene (may be controlled only through a Z-Wave controller).The Switch 2 provides the association of five groups:1st association group – “Lifeline” reports the device status and allows for assigning single device only (main controller by default).2nd association group – “On/Off (S1)” is assigned to switch connected to the S1 terminal (uses Basic command class).3rd association group – “Dimmer (S1)” is assigned to switch connected to the S1 terminal (uses Switch Multilevel command class).4th association group – “On/Off (S2)” is assigned to switch connected to the S2 terminal (uses Basic command class).5th association group – “Dimmer (S2)” is assigned to switch connected to the S2 terminal (uses Switch Multilevel command class).The Switch 2 in 2nd to 5th group allows to control 5 regular or multichannel devices per an association group, with the exception of“LifeLine” that is reserved solely for the controller and hence only 1node can be assigned.NOTEAssociation ensuresdirect transfer ofcontrolcommandsbetween devices, isperformedwithoutparticipation of themain controller andrequiresassociateddevice to be in the direct range.NOTEThe Switch 2 supportsthe operation of multichanneldevices.Multichannel devicesare devices that include two or more circuits inside one physical unit.It is not recommended to associate more than 10 devices in general,as the response time to control commands depends on the number ofassociated devices. In extreme cases, system response may be delayed.To add an association (using the Home Center controller):1. Go to the device options by clicking the icon:2. Select the „Advanced” tab.3. Click the “Setting Association” button.4. Specify to which group and what devices are to be associated.5. Wait for the configuration process to end.Associations14#8: Z-Wave range testCAUTIONTo make Z-Wave rangetest possible, the device must be addedto the Z-Wave controller. Testing may stressthe network, so it isrecommended to perform the test only inspecial cases.The Switch 2 has a built in Z-Wave network main controller’srange tester.Follow the below instructions to test the main controller’s range:1. Switch off the mains voltage (disable the fuse).2. Remove the Switch 2 from the wall switch box.3. Switch on the mains voltage.4. Press and hold the B-button to enter the menu.5. Wait for the visual LED indicator to glow violet.6. Quickly release and click the B-button again.7. Visual indicator will indicate the Z-Wave network’s range (rangesignalling modes described below).8. To exit Z-Wave range test, click the B-button.NOTECommunication modeof the Switch 2 mayswitch between directand one using routing, especially if thedevice is on the limitof the direct range.Z-Wave range tester signalling modes:Visual indicator pulsing green - the Switch 2 attempts to establisha direct communication with the main controller. If a direct communication attempt fails, the device will try to establish a routed communication, through other modules, which will be signalled by visualindicator pulsing yellow.Visual indicator glowing green - the Switch 2 communicates withthe main controller directly.Visual indicator pulsing yellow - the Switch 2 tries to establish arouted communication with the main controller through other modules (repeaters).Visual indicator glowing yellow - the Switch 2 communicates withthe main controller through the other modules. After 2 seconds thedevice will retry to establish a direct communication with the maincontroller, which will be signalled with visual indicator pulsing green.Visual indicator pulsing violet - the Switch 2 does communicate atthe maximum distance of the Z-Wave network. If connection provessuccessful it will be confirmed with a yellow glow. It’s not recommended to use the device at the range limit.Visual indicator glowing red - the Switch 2 is not able to connectto the main controller directly or through another Z-Wave networkdevice (repeater).Z-Wave range test15#9: Additional functionalityOverheat and overcurrent protection:The Switch 2 after detecting overheat or overcurrent will:•switch off its relay/relays,•send information about switching off the relay/relays to thecontroller,•send Notification Report to the controller (Heat Alarm for overheat, Power Management for overcurrent).Additional functionality16#10: Advanced parametersThe Switch 2 allows to customize its operation to user’s needs. Thesettings are available in the FIBARO interface as simple options thatmay be chosen by selecting the appropriate box.In order to configure the Switch 2 (using the Home Center controller):1. Go to the device options by clicking the icon:2. Select the „Advanced” tab.9. Restore state after power failureThis parameter determines if the device will return to state prior tothe power failure after power is restored.Available settings: 0 - the device does not save the state prior tothe power failure and returns to „off” positionDefault setting:1 - the device restores its state prior to the power failureParameter size:1 [byte]10. First channel - operating modeThis parameter allows to choose operating for the 1st channel controlled by the S1 switch.Available settings: 0 - standard operation1 - delay ON2 - delay OFF3 - auto ON4 - auto OFFDefault setting:5 - flashing modeParameter size:1 [byte]11. First channel - reaction to switch for delay/auto ON/OFFmodesThis parameter determines how the device in timed mode reacts topushing the switch connected to the S1 terminal.Available settings: 0 - cancel mode and set target state1 - no reaction to switch - mode runs until it endsDefault setting:Advanced parameters2 - reset timer - start counting from the beginningParameter size:1 [byte]1712. First channel - time parameter for delay/auto ON/OFF modesThis parameter allows to set time parameter used in timed modes.Available settings: 0 (0.1s), 1-32000 (1-32000s, 1s step) - timeparameterDefault setting:50 (50s)Parameter size:2 [bytes]13. First channel - pulse time for flashing modeThis parameter allows to set time of switching to opposite state inflashing mode.Available settings: 1-32000 (0.1-3200.0s, 0.1s step) - time parameterDefault setting:5 (0.5s)Parameter size:2 [bytes]15. Second channel - operating mode (FGS-223 only)This parameter allows to choose operating for the 1st channel controlled by the S2 switch.Available settings: 0 - standard operation1 - delay ON2 - delay OFF3 - auto ON4 - auto OFFDefault setting:5 - flashing modeParameter size:1 [byte]16. Second channel - reaction to switch for delay/auto ON/OFFmodes (FGS-223 only)This parameter determines how the device in timed mode reacts topushing the switch connected to the S2 terminal.Available settings: 0 - cancel mode and set target state1 - no reaction to switch - mode runs until it endsDefault setting:2 - reset timer - start counting from the beginningParameter size:1 [byte]17. Second channel - time parameter for delay/auto ON/OFFmodes (FGS-223 only)This parameter allows to set time parameter used in timed modes.Available settings: 0 (0.1s), 1-32000 (1-32000s, 1s step) - timeparameterDefault setting:50 (50s)Parameter size:2 [bytes]Advanced parameters1818. Second channel - pulse time for flashing mode (only FGS-223)This parameter allows to set time of switching to opposite state inflashing mode.Available settings: 1-32000 (0.1-3200.0s, 0.1s step) - time parameterDefault setting:5 (0.5s)Parameter size:2 [bytes]20. Switch typeThis parameter defines as what type the device should treat theswitch connected to the S1 and S2 terminals.Available settings: 0 - momentary switch1 - toggle switch (contact closed - ON, contactopened - OFF)Default setting:2 - toggle switch (device changes status whenswitch changes status)Parameter size:1 [byte]21. Flashing mode - reportsThis parameter allows to define if the device sends reports during theflashing mode.Available settings: 0 - the device does not send reportsDefault setting:NOTEParameter 27 valuesmay be combined,e.g. 1+2=3 means that2nd & 3rd groups aresent as secure.1 - the device sends reportsParameter size:1 [byte]27. Associations in Z-Wave network security modeThis parameter defines how commands are sent in specified association groups: as secure or non-secure. Parameter is active only inZ-Wave network security mode. This parameter does not apply to 1st„Lifeline” group.Available settings: 1 - 2nd group sent as secure2 - 3rd group sent as secure4 - 4th group sent as secureDefault setting:NOTEParameter 28 valuesmay be combined,e.g. 1+2=3 means thatscenes for single anddouble click are sent.8 - 5th group sent as secure15 (all)Parameter size:1 [byte]28. S1 switch - scenes sentThis parameter determines which actions result in sending scene IDsassigned to them.Available settings: 1 - Key pressed 1 time2 - Key pressed 2 times4 - Key pressed 3 timesDefault setting:Advanced parameters8 - Key Hold Down and Key ReleasedParameter size:1 [byte]1929. S2 switch - scenes sentThis parameter determines which actions result in sending scene IDsassigned to them.Available settings: 1 - Key pressed 1 time2 - Key pressed 2 timesNOTEParameter 29 valuesmay be combined,e.g. 1+2=3 means thatscenes for single anddouble click are sent.4 - Key pressed 3 timesDefault setting:8 - Key Hold Down and Key ReleasedParameter size:1 [byte]30. S1 switch - associations sent to 2nd and 3rd association groupsThis parameter determines which actions are ignored when sendingcommands to devices associated in 2nd and 3rd association group.All actions are active by default.Available settings: 1 - ignore turning ON with 1 click of the switch2 - ignore turning OFF with 1 click of the switch4 - ignore holding and releasing the switch*Default setting:8 - ignore double click of the switch**Parameter size:1 [byte]31. S1 switch - Switch ON value sent to 2nd and 3rd associationgroupsThis parameter defines value sent with Switch ON command to devices associated in 2nd and 3rd association group.Available settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:255Parameter size:NOTEParameter 30 valuesmay be combined, e.g.1+2=3 means that associations for turningON and OFF are notsent.NOTE*Hold and release isinactive when parameter 20 is set to 1 or 2.**Double click is inactive when parameter20 is set to 1.2 [bytes]32. S1 switch - Switch OFF value sent to 2nd and 3rd associationgroupsThis parameter defines value sent with Switch OFF command to devices associated in 2nd and 3rd association group.Available settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:Parameter size:2 [bytes]NOTESettingparameters31-33, 36-38 to appropriate value should result in:0 - turning off associated devices33. S1 switch - Double Click value sent to 2nd and 3rd associationgroups1-99 - forcing level ofassociated devicesThis parameter defines value sent with Double Click command to devices associated in 2nd and 3rd association group.255 - setting associated devices to the lastremembered state orturning them onAvailable settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:99Parameter size:2 [bytes]Advanced parameters20NOTEParameter 35 valuesmay be combined, e.g.1+2=3 means that associations for turningON and OFF are notsent.35. S2 switch - associations sent to 4th and 5th association groupsThis parameter determines which actions result in sending commands to devices associated in 4th and 5th association group.All actions are active by default.Available settings: 1 - ignore turning on with 1 click of the switch2 - ignore turning off with 1 click of the switch4 - ignore holding and releasing the switch*NOTE*Hold and release isinactive when parameter 20 is set to 1 or 2.**Double click is inactive when parameter20 is set to 1.Default setting:8 - ignore double click of the switch**Parameter size:1 [byte]36. S2 switch - Switch ON value sent to 4th and 5th associationgroupsThis parameter defines value sent with Switch ON command to devices associated in 4th and 5th association group.Available settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:255Parameter size:2 [bytes]37. S2 switch - Switch OFF value sent to 4th and 5th associationgroupsThis parameter defines value sent with Switch OFF command to devices associated in 4th and 5th association group.Available settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:Parameter size:2 [bytes]38. S2 switch - Double Click value sent to 4th and 5th associationgroupsThis parameter defines value sent with Double Click command to devices associated in 4th and 5th association group.Available settings: 0-255 - sent valueDefault setting:99Parameter size:2 [bytes]40. Reaction to General AlarmThis parameter determines how the device will react to General Alarmframe.Available settings: 0 - alarm frame is ignored1 - turn ON after receiving the alarm frame2 - turn OFF after receiving the alarm frameDefault setting:Advanced parameters3 - flash after receiving the alarm frameParameter size:1 [byte]2141. Reaction to Flood AlarmThis parameter determines how the device will react to Flood Alarmframe.Available settings: 0 - alarm frame is ignored1 - turn ON after receiving the alarm frame2 - turn OFF after receiving the alarm frameDefault setting:3 - flash after receiving the alarm frameParameter size:1 [byte]42. Reaction to CO/CO2/Smoke AlarmThis parameter determines how the device will react to CO, CO2 orSmoke frame.Available settings: 0 - alarm frame is ignored1 - turn ON after receiving the alarm frame2 - turn OFF after receiving the alarm frameDefault setting:3 - flash after receiving the alarm frameParameter size:1 [byte]43. Reaction to Heat AlarmThis parameter determines how the device will react to Heat Alarmframe.Available settings: 0 - alarm frame is ignored1 - turn ON after receiving the alarm frame2 - turn OFF after receiving the alarm frameDefault setting:3 - flash after receiving the alarm frameParameter size:1 [byte]44. Flashing alarm durationThis parameter allows to set duration of flashing alarm mode.Available settings: 1-32000 (1-32000s, 1s step) - durationDefault setting:600 (10min) Parameter size:2 [bytes]50. First channel - power reportsThis parameter determines the minimum change in consumed powerthat will result in sending new power report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - reports are disabledDefault setting:1-100 (1-100%) - change in power20 (20%)Parameter size:1 [byte]Advanced parameters2251. First channel - minimal time between power reportsThis parameter determines minimum time that has to elapse beforesending new power report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - reports are disabledDefault setting:1-120 (1-120s) - report interval10 (10s)Parameter size:1 [byte]53. First channel - energy reportsThis parameter determines the minimum change in consumed energy that will result in sending new energy report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - reports are disabledDefault setting:1-32000 (1-32000Wh) - change in energy100 (100Wh) Parameter size:2 [bytes]54. Second channel - power reports (FGS-223 only)This parameter determines the minimum change in consumed powerthat will result in sending new power report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - reports are disabledDefault setting:1-100 (1-100%) - change in power20 (20%)Parameter size:1 [byte]55. Second channel - minimal time between power reports(FGS-223 only)This parameter determines minimum time that has to elapse beforesending new power report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - periodic reports are disabledDefault setting:1-120 (1-120s) - report interval10 (10s)Parameter size:1 [byte]57. Second channel - energy reports (FGS-223 only)This parameter determines the minimum change in consumed energy that will result in sending new energy report to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - reports are disabledDefault setting:1-32000 (1-32000Wh) - change in energy100 (100Wh) Parameter size:2 [bytes]58. Periodic power reportsThis parameter determines in what time interval the periodic powerreports are sent to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - periodic reports are disabledDefault setting:Advanced parameters1-32000 (1-32000s) - report interval3600 (1h)Parameter size:2 [bytes]2359. Periodic energy reportsThis parameter determines in what time interval the periodic energyreports are sent to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - periodic reports are disabledDefault setting:1-32000 (1-32000s) - report interval3600 (1h)Parameter size:2 [bytes]60. Measuring energy consumed by the device itselfThis parameter determines whether energy metering should includethe amount of energy consumed by the device itself. Results are being added to energy reports for first endpoint.Available settings: 0 - function inactiveDefault setting:1 - function activeParameter size:1 [byte]Advanced parameters24#11: SpecificationsNOTEIEC certification applies in EU countriesand most countriesusing 220-240V~. ULcertification appliesin United States andmost countries using100-120V~.NOTERadio frequency ofindividualdevicemust be same as yourZ-Wavecontroller.Checkinformationon the box or consultyour dealer if you arenot sure.Power supply:100-240V~ 50/60 HzRated load current:Operational temperature:Single Switch 2 (FGS-213):IEC standards: 8AUL standards: 6.5ADouble Switch 2 (FGS-223):IEC standards: 6.5A per channel,10A overallUL standards: 6A per channel,9.5A overall0-35°CFor installation in boxes:Ø ≥ 50mm, depth ≥ 60mmOvercurrent protection:required external 10A circuit breakerRadio protocol:Z-Wave (500 series chip)Radio signal power:up to 1mWRadio frequency:868.4 or 869.8 MHz EU;908.4, 908.42 or 916.0 MHz US;921.4 or 919.8 MHz ANZ;869.0 MHz RU;Range:up to 50m outdoorsup to 40m indoors(depending on terrain and buildingstructure)Comply with EU directives: EMC 2014/30/EURED 2014/53/EURoHS 2011/65/EULVD 2014/35/EUDimensions (L x W x H):42.5 x 38.25 x 20.3 mmSpecifications25#12: RegulationsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC RulesOperation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has beentested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interferenceto radio or television reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Industry Canada (IC) Compliance NoticeThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device maynot cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thedevice.Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’Industry Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditionssuivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interfĂŠrence et (2) cetappareil doit accepter toute interfĂŠrence, notamment les interfĂŠrencesqui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.Legal NoticesAll information, including, but not limited to, information regarding thefeatures, functionality, and/or other product specification are subjectto change without notice. Fibaro reserves all rights to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without any obligation tonotify any individual or entity.FIBARO and Fibar Group logo are trademarks of Fibar Group S.A. Allother brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks oftheir respective holders.Regulations26NoteChanges and modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer or registrant of this equipment can void your authority to operatethis equipment under Federal Communications Commission’s rules.DGT Warning StatementArticle 12Without permission, any company, firm or user shall not alter the frequency, increase the power, or change the characteristics and functionsof the original design of the certified lower power frequency electricmachinery.Article 14The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall notaffect the navigation safety nor interfere a legal communication, if aninterference is found, the service will be suspended until improvementis made and the interference no longer exists.第十二條經型式認證合ćźäš‹ä˝ŽĺŠŸçŽ‡ĺ°„éťé›ťćŠŸďźŒéžçś“č¨ąĺŻďźŒĺ…Źĺ¸ă€ĺ•†č™Ÿćˆ–ä˝żç”¨č€…ĺ‡ä¸ĺž—ć“…č‡ŞčŽŠć›´éťçŽ‡ă€ĺŠĺ¤§ĺŠŸçŽ‡ćˆ–čŽŠć›´ĺŽŸč¨­č¨ˆäš‹ç‰šć€§ĺŠĺŠŸčƒ˝ă€‚çŹŹĺĺ››ć˘ä˝ŽĺŠŸçŽ‡ĺ°„éťé›ťćŠŸäš‹ä˝żç”¨ä¸ĺž—ĺ˝ąéŸżéŁ›čˆŞĺŽ‰ĺ…¨ĺŠĺš˛ć“žĺˆćł•é€šäżĄďź›çś“ç™źçžćœ‰ĺš˛ć“žçžčąĄć™‚ďźŒć‡‰çŤ‹ĺłĺœç”¨ďźŒä¸Ść”šĺ–„č‡łç„Ąĺš˛ć“žć™‚ć–šĺž—çšźçşŒä˝żç”¨ă€‚ĺ‰é…ĺˆćł•é€šäżĄďźŒćŒ‡äžé›ťäżĄćł•čŚĺŽšä˝œćĽ­äš‹ç„Ąçˇšé›ťé€šäżĄă€‚ä˝ŽĺŠŸçŽ‡ĺ°„éťé›ťćŠŸéˆĺżĺ—ĺˆćł•é€šäżĄćˆ–ĺˇĽćĽ­ă€ç§‘ĺ­¸ĺŠé†Ťç™‚ç”¨é›ťćł˘čźťĺ°„ć€§é›ťćŠŸč¨­ĺ‚™äš‹ĺš˛ć“žă€‚Declaration of conformityHereby, Fibar Group S.A. declares that FIBARO Switch 2 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions ofDirective 2014/53/EU.Regulations
FGS213 Fibaro Single Switch 2 User Manual FGS-2x3 Fibar Group S.A. (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.