Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (2024)

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Trapping is an exciting new skill acquired from World 3 in Idleon, but gaining critters is extremely slow unless you know what you’re doing.

Trapping is one of the most involved skills in Idleon, as you need different setups for placing traps and collecting them, if you wish to get the most gains out of each trap.

As with any other skill, there are countless ways to boost your critter count and trapping efficiency, so let’s get right into the thick of it, starting with the basics.

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World 6 Update

World 6 added 2 new traps to craft, including the shiny blue Containment of the Zrgyios trap seen above, which requires you to reach a whopping 120 trapping levels to use.

Thankfully it won’t be an important addition to your arsenal, as a Royal Trap (level requirement 48) will already let you place the maximum of 8 traps.

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How Trapping actually works

Trapping is a very complicated skill, but there are tons of aspects of the game that require critters, so it’s necessary to learn.

In order to unlock trapping, you need to go to the Trappers Folly map left of the World 3 town and start the Lord of The Hunt questline.

After you complete his first quest, you can place traps on the Froge critters, located in Jungle Perimeter, World 1.

When placing traps manually, you can’t place them on top of each other, so keep moving on the platform and click the ‘Place Trap’ button to place your selected trap.

Once you get the Trapper Drone from Construction, the game places the traps automatically and they can even overlap.

In order to get access to different critters, you need to complete more quests from Lord of the Hunt, each quest giving access to a new critter.

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The amount of critters you get per trap depends on the quantity multiplier on the specific trap alongside your Trapping Power, which you get more of from various sources. We will cover all the ways to improve Trapping Efficiency later in the guide.

Trapping also has a minigame button next to the ‘Place Trap’ button, but unlike other skills, your highscore on it will give you various bonuses like trapping gains and XP bonuses.

Agility is the primary stat that boosts Trapping Efficiency, which is why Hunter has been made the primary Trapper class.

Later on in the guide we will explain in depth how snapshotting and placing traps works and how to get more critters or trapping experience depending on your needs.

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All Trapping Critter Locations

Now that you know how trapping works and how to unlock new critters, it’s time to figure out where those critters are hiding.

Just remember that using Natural Traps will give only XP and no critters, so don’t use those until you have unlocked every critter from the quests (except maybe to keep your Maestros trapping higher).

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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (9)
Poison Froge
World 1
Jungle Perimeter
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (11)x10
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (12)x1
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (13)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (14)
Mutant Crabbo
World 2
Salty Shores
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (15)x100
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (16)x1
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (17)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (18)
Crescent Scorpie
World 2
The Ring
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (20)x1
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (21)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (22)
Nakeo Moleo
World 1
Rats Nest
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (24)x2
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (25)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (26)
World 1
Hollowed Trunk
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (28)x2
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (29)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (30)
Eternal Lord
of the
Undying Ember
World 3
The Stache Split
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (31)x1.5K
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (32)x3
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (33)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (34)
World 3
Thermonuclear Climb
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (35)x2.5K
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (36)x4
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (37)
Dung Beat
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Jade Scarab
World 2
Efaunts Tomb
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (39)x4K
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (40)x6
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (41)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (42)
Diamond Duck
World 3
Wam Wonderland
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (44)x10
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (45)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (46)
World 4
Cocoa Tunnel
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (47)x65K
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (48)x1
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (49)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (50)
World 6
Bamboo Laboredge
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Jade Emporium Shop
(30th purchase)

The only one that might be tough to place traps in before you get the Trapper Drone in World 3 is Dung Beat at Efaunts Tomb. You first have to beat Efaunt, then the map allows you to walk further into the bottom left corner to place your traps for Dung Beat.

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Setting up your traps

Setting your traps down can be very annoying at first, as you need to manually go to a location and place the traps down on every character. However once you progress a little bit in construction, you can build the Trapper Drone, which allows you to place and collect any traps on any character without having to go to the critters location.

Once you level up the drone even more, it will give you additional critters and trapping XP and all the quantities will scale depending on your highest Eagle Eye talent level on any of your Hunters.

The important thing to remember is that setting traps is snapshotted, which means that whoever you place traps with, only his setup and stats count for the trap.

This means no matter who you collect the traps with later, they resulting XP and critter amount will stay the same until you delete and reset the traps.

The only thing that matters when collecting traps, is you Shiny Critter chance.

This is a great feature, because you only need to make a trapping setup with one character and place the traps with them, instead of doing it separately for all characters.

This also means that if you want to boost your trapping levels fast, place Nature Traps with your Maestro that has all XP bonuses maxed out.

If you want more critters instead of XP, place the traps for all characters with your Hunter/Beast Master, with all the critter boosting talents maxed out.

Maestro should always be the exception though, as he needs to have the highest Trapping level, so he should always have all traps as Nature Traps to keep his XP gain higher than others.

A very common setup is to use your Maestro to place 1 Nature Trap with your highest rarity critter (Blobfish gives the most XP) for each character.

Then fill the rest of the traps with any critters you need, using your Hunter/Beast Master.

This way all your characters will gain a steady supply of XP from the Nature Trap that has snapshotted Maestros XP boosts, and big critter gains from the other traps that have snapshotted the Beast Masters talents.

The next section will cover all the ways that you can increase your trapping XP and boost your critter gains even further.

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Boosting your Trap gains and Critters

As mentioned above, the most important part is having either high trapping efficiency from trapping power or high skill XP when placing traps. Collecting traps only needs shiny critter chance.

Let’s first start off with the best cards to use for setting traps, meaning more critters and skill XP.

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1 Star:
+10% Trapping Efficiency
5 Stars:
+30% Trapping Efficiency
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1 Star:
+10% Trapping EXP
5 Stars:
+30% Trapping EXP
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (59)
1 Star:
+14% Trapping Efficiency
5 Stars:
+42% Trapping Efficiency
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1 Star:
+16% Trapping EXP
5 Stars:
+48% Trapping EXP
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1 Star:
+6% Skill Eff. (Passive)
5 Stars:
+18% Skill Eff. (Passive)
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1 Star:
+7.5% Skill EXP
5 Stars:
+22.5% Skill EXP
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1 Star:
+20% Skill Efficiency
5 Stars:
+60% Skill Efficiency
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1 Star:
+10% Skill EXP (Passive)
5 Stars:
+30% Skill EXP (Passive)
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1 Star:
+4% Skill EXP (Passive)
5 Stars:
+12% Skill EXP (Passive)

Crystal Capybara is a crystal mob that spawns from World 5 mobs, same as Crystal Carrot spawns from World 1 mobs for example. It’s a fantastic card, as it’s the only one card that provides passive Skill Efficiency.

The Spring Splendor card is only obtainable during a Spring Event, so if you missed the event, it will take a long time before you can get that card again. Thankfully it’s not a huge bonus, so you won’t notice it missing

Passive Cards and Rift

Remember that you don’t need to equip passive cards, all your characters will automatically get their bonus, meaning that they’re absolutely amazing to level up.

Also remember that Rift in World 4 can turn all your Trapping Efficiency and Trapping EXP cards into passives so you don’t even need to think about your trapping card setup!

On top of these cards, you can also equip one Card Set Bonus, which improves as you collect more cards from that specific section. We recommend you choose one of the two depending on if you need more critters through efficiency, or more EXP.

Set BonusEffect
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (66)
1 Star:
+16% Skill Efficiency
5 Stars:
+48% Skill Efficiency
Set BonusEffect
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (67)
1 Star:
+10% Skill EXP
5 Stars:
+30% Skill EXP

Once you’ve got your cards in order, it’s time to check out various other boosters that will give you huge boosts in the background.

ItemEffectMain Source
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (68)
Hidey Box Stamp
Increases base Trapping Efficiency.
(Both World 3 Chopping sources have a
1 in 94K chance to drop this Stamp.
Found in Steep Sheep Ledge and Waterlogged Entrance)
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World 3
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (71)
Spikemouth Stamp
Increases Trapping Experience.
(Both World 3 Catching sources have a
1 in 56K chance to drop this Stamp.
Found in Mamooooth Mountain and
Overpass of Sound)
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World 3
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (74)
Box Statue
Increases Trapping Power.
(Sheepie in World 3, Steep Sheep Ledge,
has a 1 in 5K chance to drop a
Box Statue)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (76)Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (77)Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (78)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (79)Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (80)
Trapping Obols
Gives +1 to +7 Trapping Power respectively.
(Bloque in World 3, Refrigeration Station,
has a 1 in 18K chance to drop a

Bronze Trapping Obol)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (82)
Archer Or Bust
(Quicc Bubble #2)
Boosts all other small Green Alchemy bubbles.Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (83)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (84)
Sanic Tools
(Quicc Bubble #7)
Traps give more Trapping Power.Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (85)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (86)
Call Me Ash
(Quicc Bubble #12)
Increases Trapping Efficiency when equipped.
(Gives +1 Trap as a passive to all characters)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (88)
(Quicc Bubble #17)
Boosts a few Green Bubbles including:
#1 (more AGI) and
#7 (more Trapping Power)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (90)
Slabo Critterbug
(Quicc Bubble #22)
More Trapping Power per 100 items found.
(in The World 5 Slab)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (92)
Poison Frog Vial
Eagle Eye gives more critters.Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (93)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (94)
Honker Vial
More Base Critters per trap.Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (95)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (96)
Trapping Lockbox
+% Trapping Efficiency
+% Trapping EXP
+% Critter amount
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Post Office
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Arcade Bonus
+% Trapping EXPComplete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (99)
Arcade Shop
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (100)
+% Critter amount
+% Trapping Efficiency
(Read more from our Constellation guide,
it is #11 in the Hydron constellation)
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Star Sign
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Skilled Dimwit
+% Skill Efficiency
-% Skill Experience
(Use this when going for more critters,
don’t use this when going for XP with Maestro!)
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Goblin Gorefest
Reach Wave 25
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Energy Prayer
+% Class & Skill Experience
(Equip this before placing traps,
you can remove it after placing traps)
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Goblin Gorefest
Reach Wave 51

Once you’ve got all the stamps, bubbles and prayers leveled up high, you will be getting insane critter gains from every trap.

After that, you should make sure you have the proper talents equipped, depending on if you need higher XP or more critters. Let’s start off with the more common build, being the Hunter / Beast Master build to get as many critters as possible.

Hunter & Beast Master Talents for more Critters

TalentDescriptionEffect Scaling
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (109)
Elusive Efficiency
(Tab 1)
Increases all Skills Efficiency.Level 100:
+201% Efficiency
Level 200:
+402% Efficiency
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Focused Soul
(Tab 2)
Increases all Skills EXP gain.Level 100:
+100% Skill EXP
Level 200:
+200% Skill EXP
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Eagle Eye
(Tab 3)
Collect all critters, but gain slightly less critters and XP. Max this out first as Trapper Drone uses this talent to calculate its gains!Level 100:
Get 75% Critters and 60% Trapping XP
Level 200:
Get 100% Critters and 80% Trapping XP
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Invasive Species
(Tab 3)
More Trapping Efficiency per power of 10 Frogs in your Storage Chest.Level 100:
+16.7% Trapping Efficiency per tier
Level 200:
+21.4% Trapping Efficiency per tier
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Shroom Bait
(Tab 3)
Increases Trapping EXP gains.Level 100:
+100% Trapping EXP Gains
Level 200:
+200% Trapping EXP Gains
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Skill Ambidexterity
(Tab 4)
AGI has higher impact on skilling efficiency.Level 100:
+33.3% higher impact
Level 200:
+42.9% higher impact

Now you will get copious amounts of critters, but you also need some levels, which are very slow to get without any XP optimizations. This is why you should place at least one Nature trap for each character with a Maestro that has the following talents.

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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (117)

Maestro & Voidwalker Talents for more Experience

TalentDescriptionEffect Scaling
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (118)
Happy Dude
(Tab 1)
Increases all Skills EXP gain.
(Use Bliss N Chips talent to boost this even over +400%)
Level 100:
+100% Skill EXP
Level 200:
+200% Skill EXP
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(Tab 3)
Higher bonus from EhExPee statue.
(Skill XP statue)
Level 100:
+66.7% higher bonus
Level 200:
+80% higher bonus
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Bliss N

(Tab 3)
Higher max level to Happy Dude talent.Level 100:
+200 Max Level
Level 200:
+400 Max Level
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Left Hand
of Learning

(Tab 3)
Increases all Skills EXP gain for other characters.
(This becomes useful when you get the Enhancement Eclipse talent shown below.)
Level 100:
+100% Skill EXP
Level 200:
+133% Skill EXP
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Right Hand
of Action

(Tab 3)
Increases all Skills Efficiency for other characters.
(This becomes useful when you get the Enhancement Eclipse talent shown below.)
Level 100:
+75% Skill Efficiency
Level 200:
+100% Skill Efficiency
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(Tab 4)
Explained below this table!***Need to invest at least 175 points
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(Tab 4)
More critters per combined Trapping and Worship level above 100.
(This is huge bonus!)
Level 100:
+3.33% per level
Level 200:
+5% per level

*** Enhancement Eclipse is an important Voidwalker talent, which gives you a new bonus for every 25 points you invest in it. The first bonus after 25 points makes Left Hand of Learning affect you as well (Voidwalker) instead of just other characters and it also doubles its bonus for your Vman, turning +133% to +266% Skill EXP! Once you have invested a total of 175 points to this talent, you also get the same boost for Right Hand of Action, boosting your Voidwalkers skill efficiency from +100% to +200% which is massive.

Remember that you can boost the One Step Ahead talent from Tab 3 to get more points for Voidwalkers talents, if you are struggling with getting more points from the Speedruns.

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Collecting the traps

Collecting traps is thankfully super easy in comparison to the setup process.

This is due to the fact that the traps returns are calculated during the setup, so it doesn’t matter what character you collect traps with, as the gains will be the same.

The only thing that makes a difference when collecting traps, is Shiny Critter chance.

Important Shiny Note!

The only way to get more than one Shiny Critter from 1 trap, is by having the Shiny Snitch Prayer equipped! Otherwise, even if you have 100% Shiny drop chance, you can only get 1 per trap.

Check the tables below on more info!

Due to the fact that Hunters have a talent that boosts Shiny Critter chance, you should always collect your traps with that character, with the talent leveled up.

TalentDescriptionEffect Scaling
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (126)
Higher Shiny Critter chance.
Calculates multiplier per every 10 trapping levels on your Hunter.

So if your talent gives a 2x multiplier and your Trapping level is 30, it will multiply:
(Shiny Chance*2*2*2)

Level 100:
2x Multiplier

Level 200:
2.33x Multiplier

There are also 4 different cards you can equip that will boost your Shiny Critter Chance:

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (127)
1 Star:
+6% Shiny Critter Chance
5 Stars:
+18% Shiny Critter Chance
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (128)
1 Star:
+10% Shiny Critter Chance
5 Stars:
+30% Shiny Critter Chance
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (129)
1 Star:
+12% Shiny Critter Chance
5 Stars:
+36% Shiny Critter Chance
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (130)
1 Star:
+16% Shiny Critter Chance
5 Stars:
+48% Shiny Critter Chance

Once you cop these cards, there are still a few important boosters to acquire before you’re ready for the ultimate critter gatherer build.

ItemEffectMain Source
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (131)
Hidey Box Stamp
+% Shiny Critter catch rate multiplier.
(You get the Stamp from the second quest from
Snouts at World 3, The Stache Split)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (133)
Cuz I Catch Em All
(Quicc Bubble #13)
Higher chance to catch shiny critters.Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (134)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (135)
Fur Refresher Vial
+% Shiny Critter catch rate multiplier.
(You get this material from Sheepies
at World 3, Steep Sheep Ledge)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (137)
Orange Malt Vial
+% Shiny Critter catch rate multiplier.
(You get this material from
Refinery in World 3)
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Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (139)
Arcade Bonus
+% Shiny Critter ChanceComplete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (140)
Arcade Shop
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Shiny Snitch Prayer
Shiny critters drop in bigger bundles,
but shiny chance is lower.
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Goblin Gorefest
Reach Wave 81
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Critter Numnums
Increases Shiny Critter odds by 25%.
1 consumed per trap, so not really worth it!
Recipe Unlocked
From Tasks Tab 3

It is good to note that without the Shiny Snitch Prayer, if you manage to get a Shiny Critter, you will only get 1 from 1 trap (even if your Shiny chance is over 100%). Using this prayer is the only way to get a lot of shinies, so it is definitely always recommended to use the prayer once you unlock it.

You don’t really need that many shiny critters though, but it definitely helps when trying to collect Shiny Blobfishes (Voodofish) for the highest rated trap.

To find out what else you can use each critter for, read the next section.

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What each Critter is needed for

Some critters are more important than others, but every critter has its own use, even if just to unlock the next critter to trap.

Below we listed every single critter and what you can use them for.

If no amount is listed next to an item like alchemy bubbles, stamps, and refinery salts, that just means you technically need unlimited critters as they don’t have a level cap.

Getting new critters

You will also need a few of each critter and their shiny versions to unlock the next critter. You will need to turn them in at the Trapper in Trappers Folly in World 3. We didn’t add those to the table below, as you can see them in the quest requirements when you get the next quest.
For Vial requirements, check our Vial Guide, as they’re the same for every Vial.

Possible uses & Amount needed
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (145)
Smithing: Small Critter Pouch (200)
Smithing: Dementia Helmet (5K)
Alchemy Bubble: Brittley Spears (+% Total Damage)
Construction: Fireball Lobber Tower (15M)
Construction: Talent Book Library (670M)
Salt Lick: More obol storage slots (20K)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (146)
Smithing: Critter Numnums (100)
Smithing: Sizeable Critter Pouch (1K)
Stamp: Hidey Box Stamp (+Base Trapping Efficiency)
Alchemy Bubble: Call Me Pope (+Worship Charge Rate)
Alchemy Vial: More starting points in Tower Defense
Construction: Salt Lick (5K)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (147)
Stamp: Purp Froge Stamp (+% Shiny Critter rate)
Alchemy Bubble: Big Game Hunter (Increase Giant Mob chance)
Refinery: Dioxide Synthesis (Green Salt)
Construction: Stormcaller Tower (11M)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (148)
Smithing: Big Critter Pouch (10K)
Stamp: Spikemouth Stamp (+% Trapping EXP)
Alchemy Bubble: Buff Boi (Talent points for Warriors)
Alchemy Vial: More cog Inventory spaces
Refinery: Purple Salt
Salt Lick: +% Alchemy liquid rates & capacity (82M)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (149)
Stamp: Shiny Crab Stamp (+% Shiny Critter rate)
Alchemy Bubble: Green Bargain (Green bubbles cost less)
Quest: Happy Tree Friend (1.5k)
(at Trappers Folly in W3, quest unlocks next critter)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (150)
Smithing: Large Critter Pouch (30K)
Alchemy Bubble: Yellow Bargain (Yellow bubbles cost less)
Salt Lick: +% Total Damage (113M)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (151)
Smithing: Skullslip Hallow (50K) (Green Mage weapon)
Stamp: Avast Yar Stamp (+Base Damage)
Alchemy Vial: More Tab 3 Talent Points
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (152)
Alchemy Bubble: Premigreen
(Some Green Bubbles give higher bonuses)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (153)
Smithing: Honker Hat (1M)
Smithing: Massive Critter Pouch (100K)
Alchemy Vial: More critters per trap
Quest: A Honker Took mah Baby!
(From Blobbo at Cocoa Tunnel in World 4, needs 10K Honkers)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (154)
Smithing: Volumetric Critta Pouch (300K)
Smithing: Colossal Critta Pouch (900K)
Smithing: Royal Traps (100K)
Smithing: Diabolical Headcase (600K)
Alchemy Bubble: Petting The Right
(+New Pet Chance per cleared Rift)
Alchemy Vial: Higher Lab EXP gains
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (155)
Alchemy Vial:
+% Artifact Find Chance in Sailing
+% Sigil Charge Speed
+% Cooking Speed
+% Construction Build Rate
(all multiplicative making this of the best vials)
Possible uses & Amount needed
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (156)
Smithing: Silkskin Traps (1)
Smithing: Dementia Boots (3)
Alchemy Vial: More critters from Eagle Eye talent
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (157)
Smithing: Wooden Traps (2)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (158)
Smithing: Big Fish Pouch (4)
Construction: Trapper Drone (2.45K)
Quest: Glitter Critter
(From Blobbo at Cocoa Tunnel in World 4, needs 200)
Quest: To Trap or not to Trap (500)
(Last quest at Trappers Folley, gives Critter Baron Trophy)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (159)
Smithing: Natural Traps (5)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (160)
Smithing: Eclectic Ordeal (50)
Smithing: Void Imperium Rod (3)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (161)
of the
Smithing: Deuscythe (15)
Quest: Glitter Critter
(From Blobbo at Cocoa Tunnel in World 4, needs 60)
Quest: To Trap or not to Trap (250)
(Last quest at Trappers Folley, gives Critter Baron Trophy)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (162)
Only used for the quest to get the next critter, needs 6.
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (163)
Smithing: Meaty Traps (10)
Smithing: Tundra Skills Completion Token (4)
Quest: Glitter Critter
(From Blobbo at Cocoa Tunnel in World 4, needs 30)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (164)
Smithing: Honker Hat (1)
Quest: To Trap or not to Trap (100)
(Last quest at Trappers Folley, gives Critter Baron Trophy)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (165)
Smithing: Diabolical Continuit (10)
Smithing: Egalitarian Royal Traps (100)
Lab Jewel: Black Diamond Ulthurite (10K)
(Need to wait until it arrives in the Jewel crafting rotation)
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (166)
No uses yet. If something comes up, let us know!

As you can see, all critters have their uses, so once you finish most of the important uses for one critter, remember to start putting more traps for other critters.

Variety is important so you don’t start falling behind in any bonuses.

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (167)

All Trap Boxes Explained

The first Trap can be bought from the World 3 vendor, but it is the weakest possible trap, so you should aim to create better ones as soon as you hit the level requirements.

Every Trap has different possible timers, critter quantities and XP amounts, so you need to outweigh their pros and cons when deciding which trap to place.

Thankfully, if you equip a higher trap with better stats, you can still choose any other lesser trap when placing down traps.

The table below shows all the traps in the game currently and what kind of timers you can choose from.

The multipliers are divided by the timer length, so shorter traps always give better returns, but most people can’t be bothered to collect traps every hour or even less, so it’s better to find an optimal middle ground.

Why shorter traps are always better!

For example in the Cardboard traps, a 20 minute trap gives you 1x the base critter amount from the trap, which is 3x per hour if you collect the trap every 20 minutes.

If you place a 1 hour trap instead, it gives you 2x the base critter amount when you collect the trap, but since you can only collect it once per hour, you will get less critters overall.

So if you know you have time to collect traps multiple times a day, go for shorter traps!

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (168)
Trapping Level Req: 1
Trapping Power: +4
Upgrade Slots: 1
AGI: +2
20 min.
1 hour
8 hours
20 hours
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (169)
Trapping Level Req: 5
Trapping Power: +8
Upgrade Slots: 1
AGI: +4
20 min.
1 hour
8 hours
20 hours
40 hours
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (170)
Trapping Level Req: 15
Trapping Power: +13
Upgrade Slots: 2
AGI: +7
3 hours
60 hours
5 days
5 days
5 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (171)
Trapping Level Req: 25
Trapping Power: +20
Upgrade Slots: 2
AGI: +10
8 hours
20 hours
44 hours
6 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (172)
Trapping Level Req: 35
Trapping Power: +26
Upgrade Slots: 3
AGI: +12
3 hours
60 hours
5 days
20 hours
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (173)
Trapping Level Req: 40
Trapping Power: +34
Upgrade Slots: 3
AGI: +15
1 hour
10 hours
30 hours
8 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (174)
Trapping Level Req: 48
Trapping Power: +45
Upgrade Slots: 4
AGI: +20
20 min.
1 hour
10 hours
40 hour
7 days
28 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (175)

Trapping Level Req: 60
Trapping Power: +55
Upgrade Slots: 4
AGI: +38
20 min.
1 hour
10 hours
40 hours
7 days
28 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (176)
Trapping Level Req: 90
Trapping Power: +67
Upgrade Slots: 5
AGI: +56
20 min.
1 hour
10 hours
40 hours
7 days
28 days
Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (177)
of the
Trapping Level Req: 120
Trapping Power: +80
Upgrade Slots: 6
AGI: +80
+4% All AFK Gains
+10% Drop Chance
20 min.
1 hour
10 hours
40 hours
7 days
28 days

The later traps are very expensive to craft, but you should aim to craft at least one of them for your best trapper.

Getting to at least a Royal Trap will make the biggest difference so you can place the maximum amount of traps.

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (178)

Leveling up Trapping easily

The fastest and easiest way to level up trapping is to simply use the Nature Trap and place it down with your Maestro for all characters on the highest critter you have unlocked (blobfish gives most XP). This was explained in-depth above in the trap-setting section.

However, there are other options that help out especially early on when you are still starting out with Trapping.

What most people don’t realize is that while you can’t use Time Candy for trapping, you can use XP Balloons and Skill XP Pearls (Black Pearl and Divinity Pearl).

XP Balloons are the easiest to obtain as you can get them from the Alchemy Shop, but the abovementioned pearls grant much faster gains. You can get Black Pearls from Killroy and Divinity Pearls from weekly Gem Shop bundles and a few World 5 quests (from Slargon in Naut Sake Perimeter and Poigu in Lampar Lake).

Other than the above XP boosters, remember that you can also utilize your Maestros Right Hand of Action talent which boosts all skilling XP gains of your characters that have lower trapping level than Maestro.

Finally, a massive boost can be gained from the Rift Skill Mastery bonus in World 4, which is explained below.

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (180)

Rift Skill Mastery Bonuses

As mentioned above, the Rift in World 4 opens up a massive boost with its mastery system, as it makes all trapping related cards into passives, so you don’t need to swap them around when setting or collecting traps.

However, it also gives more bonuses depending on all your characters combined trapping level, which you can see from the table below:

Total Trapping
150+25% Trapping EXP
200+10% Trapping Efficiency
300All Trapping Cards become Passive
400+10% All Skill EXP
500+5% All Skill Efficiency
750+1% All Printer Sample Sizes
1,000+25% All Skill EXP

As you can see, the passive cards is definitely the most important bonus to unlock and thankfully it’s available early on.

Other skills will give similar All Skill EXP and Efficiency which will in turn also improve trapping gains.

Complete Trapping Guide (Builds, Strategies, Talents & more) » Idleon (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.