An awesome, free voxel game | Eaglercraft (2024)

This area will be used to inform you about game updates and other important news about the game. It’s highly likely we’ll also use it to promote things we like, such as any future games we make. Marketing will be kept tasteful, though.

Eaglercraft Updates

  • EaglercraftX (Minecraft 1.8.8)
  • Eaglercraft Beta (Minecraft Beta 1.3)
  • Eaglercraft (Minecraft 1.5.2)

The Winter Update


EaglercraftX (Eaglercraft 1.8.8) is now open source! That means rugged techies and coders can now change how the game works. With this, it also means that clients like Resent Client and CyanogenMC (formerly known as Precision Client) will soon be updated to Eaglercraft 1.8, and the EaglercraftX Bungeecord plugin has also been released to the public! You can now create your own Eaglercraft 1.8 servers on replit using ayunami2000's repl and play with your friends. Happy winter break!

+ Added 1.8 servers to the server list
+ Added snow to the website
+ Added LegendSMP to the server list
* Made changes to Server List
* Updated EaglercraftX to the latest version
* Updated EaglercraftX Offline Download to the latest version
* Fixed crash bugs
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.8.8 - The Bountiful Update


Originally released on July 28, 2015

Eaglercraft has been updated to Minecraft version 1.8.8 to bring a bounty of new things to minecraft. Switching to 1.8.8 is highly recommended from older versions as it introduces a ton of new features, blocks, bug fixes and optimizations.

+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions
+ Added Slime Block
+ Added Iron Trapdoor
+ Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks
+ Added the Ocean Monument
+ Added Red Sandstone
+ Added Banners
+ Added Armor Stands
+ Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow)
+ Added Guardian mobs, with item drops
+ Added Endermite mob
+ Added Rabbits, with item drops
+ Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton
+ Added Realms world uploader
+ Added Realms player activity monitor
+ Realms worlds now have more options and settings
+ Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones
+ Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable
+ Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable
+ Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants
+ Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet
+ Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3)
+ Added one new achievement
+ Added “Customized” world type
+ Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type
+ Worlds can now have a world barrier
+ Added @e target selector for Command Blocks
+ Added /blockdata command
+ Added /clone command
+ Added /execute command
+ Added /fill command
+ Added /particle command
+ Added /testforblocks command
+ Added /title command
+ Added /trigger command
+ Added /worldborder command
+ Added /stats command
+ Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag
+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules
+ Added three new statistics
+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently
+ Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex?
+ Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible
+ Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs
+ Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online
+ Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps
* Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted
* Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels
* Villager trading has been rebalanced
* Anvil repairing has been rebalanced
* Considerable faster client-side performance
* Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks)
* Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag
* Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures
* Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features
* Tweaked the F3 debug screen
* Command blocks in Realms have been re-enabled
* Improvements in Realms UI
* Bugfixing
* Improved Realms menus
* Fixed render distance above 8
* Various bugs have been taken care of
* Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone)
* Server list has been improved
* Minecraft Realms adds mini game support
* Several server-side performance improvements and bug fixes
* Preparations to bring Minecraft Realms to more countries!
* A few minor changes to village and temple generation
* Mob heads for players now show both skin layers
* Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling
* Ported to Javascript
* Lots and lots of other changes
* LOTS AND LOTS of other changes
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.7.10

25th October, 2013

Incompatible with Eaglercraft


+ Added lots of new biomes!
+ Added “AMPLIFIED” world type
+ Added Acacia and Old Oak wood types
+ Added Stained Glass
+ Added Packed Ice, Red Sand, Podzol
+ Added a bunch of new flowers, including double-height flowers and grass
+ Added more types of fish
+ Fishing rods can be enchanted
+ Achievements are now world specific
+ Gaining achievements now announced to other players
+ Added a few new achievements
+ Servers can now have a “server-icon.png” that is displayed in the multiplayer list
+ You can see who’s online before joining, just hover the player count number in the server list
+ New /summon command
+ Added Command Block minecart
+ Links in chat are now clickable
+ Click on somebody’s name to send a private message
+ Added a bunch of new graphics options
+ Added some shader tests (click on the “Super Secret Settings” a couple of times…)
* Biome placement has been improved, and oceans are smaller
* Portals to the Nether can now have different shapes
* Fishing is now more interesting
* Maps in item frames are now extra big
* The achievement screen is zoomable
* Preparations have been made to offer name change in the future
* You can now have multiple resource packs loaded at the same time
* Resource packs can now hold sound effects
* Servers can recommend resource packs
* Network code has been rewritten
* Sound manager has been rewritten
* Many many bug fixes…
- Removed the Rose flower
- Removed Herobrine

Checkout the MINECON 2013 highlights on YouTube!

Minecraft 1.6.4

19th September, 2013

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

The Horse Update!

Changes in 1.6:

+ Added Horses
+ Added Donkeys, Mules
+ Added Horse Armor
+ Added Leads
+ Added Carpets
+ Added Hardened Clay, Stained Clay
+ Added Block of Coal
+ Added Name Tags (item)
+ Added Hay Bales
* Texture packs are now “resource packs” that also can hold sound etc
* Food meter is now drained when healed by full food meter
* Fixed horses getting hurt by walls
* Fixed animals escaping their pens
* Fixed world generation bugs
* Improved sprinting behavior
* Ctrl + left-click on Mac now acts as right-click
* You can’t destroy blocks with a sword in creative mode
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.5.2

Loading...1st February, 2022

Originally released on 2nd May, 2013

The original version of Eaglercraft. An AOT compiled port of Minecraft 1.5.2 designed to run in a browser environment, using TeaVM and LAX1DUDE's OpenGL 1.3 emulator to simulate a Java virtual machine fully compatible with Minecraft Java Edition.

+ Added Redstone Comparator (used in Redstone logic)
+ Added Hopper (collects items and moves them to containers)
+ Added Dropper (similar to Dispensers, but always drops the item)
+ Added Activator Rail (activates TNT Minecarts)
+ Added Daylight Sensor
+ Added Trapped Chest
+ Added Weighed Pressure Plate
+ Added Block of Redstone
+ Added Nether Brick (item)
+ Added Nether Quartz and ore
+ Added Block of Quartz, with half blocks and chiseled variants
+ New command: /scoreboard
+ New command: /effect
+ Containers and mobs can have custom names
* Fixed a bunch of bugs
* A bunch of bug fixes!
* Performance improvements when using HD texture packs
* Many improvements for Minecraft Realms (will become publicly available “soon”)
* Improved performance
* Notable: Crash on Mac OS X on “OpenGL Function Not Supported”
* Notable: Unable to place paintings
* Inventory management has been changed, for example you can drag-place items over slots
* Texture packs now have separate images for each block and item, and can have animations
* Nether Quartz Ore now spawns in the Nether
* Smooth lighting now has three settings (none, minimal, maximum)
* More detailed death messages
* Some hostile mobs now are harder in Hard difficulty
* Ported to Javascript
* Many, many, bug fixes
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.4.7

9th January, 2013

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

The Pretty Scary Update!

+ Added a beacon
+ Added flower pots
+ Added item frames
+ Added anvils
+ Added cobblestone walls
+ Added pumpkin pies
+ Added carrots and potatoes
+ Carrots can be put on a stick to control pigs while riding
+ Added a boss mob
+ Added a new skeleton type
+ Added witches
+ Added bats
+ Added mob heads that can be placed
+ Zombies now infect villagers, but can also be cured
+ Added wooden button
+ Items can be cloned with the “pick block” action in Creative Mode
+ Items can be quickly moved to the hotbar by pressing 1 through 9 while hovering an item
+ Added /difficulty, /spawnpoint, /weather, /gamerule and /clear commands
+ Added “target selectors” for commands
+ Added option to hide capes
+ Added option to toggle vertical synch
+ Added customization to superflat worlds
+ Minor additions to the world generator
+ New potion recipes
+ Leather armor can be dyed
* Added fireworks
* Added enchantable books
* A lot of enchantments have been tweaked
* A Christmas surprise
* Added option to enable touchscreen input for buttons and inventory
* Many issues have been fixed!
* Fixed “Open to LAN” feature
* Fixed incorrect positions of certain particles
* Fixed crash related to arrows fired from dispensers
* Fixed a multiplayer crash when using fireworks without a fireworks star
* Fixed long timeout when checking SRV records
* Maps now start more zoomed in, and can be extended
* Redstone repeaters can now be set into a “locked” position
* New sound effects
* Portals to the Nether can now transport items and mobs
* Adventure mode now allows placing and removing blocks, but only when using the correct tools
* Changed method of placing sideways wood logs
* Improved server list
* Improved debug (F3) options
* Spawn protection is now automatically disabled if there are no defined admins
* Over 120 bugs and glitches fixed
* Notable: The missing song “where are we now” is now available, but called “wait”
* Notable: Random falling damage due to lag fixed
* Notable: Falling damage when riding minecarts fixed
* Notable: Enchanted book exploit fixed
* Notable: Slimes have correct collision box
* Notable: Signs no longer lose their text client-side
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.3.2

14th August, 2012

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

+ Single-player now runs a server internally
+ Publish the single-player instance to LAN
+ Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen
+ Added “cheats” option in single-player (enables commands)
+ Added “bonus chest” option to give players a quicker start in a new world
+ Added adventure mode (work in progress)
+ Added trading with villagers
+ Added emeralds, emerald blocks and emerald ore
+ Added cocoa beans to jungles
+ Added the Ender Chest
+ Added tripwires
+ Added new creative mode inventory with search functionality
+ Made it possible to gain enchantment orbs from mining ore and smelting
+ Added writeable books
+ Added “large biomes” world type
+ Added temples to jungles and deserts
+ Added chat settings
+ Added option to turn off and view snooper data
+ Added more information on the debug screen (F3)
+ Added sideways logs in trees
+ New launcher with “Play Demo” button if not premium user
+ Added /seed command to see map seed
+ Added /defaultgamemode to set default game mode in a world (affects new players)
+ Added /debug command for profiling
+ Added SRV record lookup support
* Decreased max enchantment level from 50 to 30
* The /tp command can now send players to a specific coordinate
* Mobs can spawn on flat surfaces (such as up-side-down stairs)
* Updated language files
* Mobs are much less likely to glitch through blocks
* Server list can be reordered
* Nearby items in the world will auto-stack
* Stars are smaller and brighter
* Sky color in The End has been changed
* The “pick block” functionality has been improved
* Certain items that previously wasn’t stackable can now be stacked
* Hill biomes are slightly taller
* Wooden log blocks can now be placed side-ways
* Wooden half-blocks now act as wood
* Water slowly drips through leaves during rain
* Minecarts and boats will be placed by dispensers, if possible
* Gravel texture has been modified
* Levers can be placed in the roof
* Creepers’ explosions damage is now modified by difficulty
* Performance improvements
* Fixed a bug that caused players to fall out of the world when going into the Nether
* Fixed a bug that caused random suffocation damage in water
* Other bug fixes…
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.2.5

4th April, 2012

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

+ New jungle biome
+ Added ocelots
+ Added cats
+ Added iron golems
+ New AI for mobs
+ Tame wolves can have puppies
+ Villagers will have children if there is room in their village
+ Added rare drops for mobs
+ New items and blocks
+ Chat history and much better chat editing
+ A few new decoration blocks
+ “Back” and “Quit” buttons to OutOfMemoryScreen
+ Made cats more realistic (read: probably annoying). I hope it’s enough to cancel out any joy you may receive from the previous feature!
+ Added a “minimal” debug menu for testing with. Shift+F3 to hide the graphs.
+ Added shift clicking support in furnaces
+ Added method to easily acquire blocks you have selected in the world in Creative mode using the ‘pick block’ key
* Made the Direct Connect dialog remember the last IP for the current session
* Fixed issues detected certain links in chat
* Fixed wild ocelots behaving like tamed cats
* Fixed various chat crashes
* Made cats less eager to sit on things
* Made cats less patient
* Fixed world generation failing under certain circ*mstances
* Fixed issues turning off sound under certain circ*mstances
* Removed all ghost entities
* Fixed crash when pasting certain characters in chat
* Fixed slash ‘/’ key not behaving correctly in certain environments
* Fixed command matching being too greedy (for example: typing ‘/stophammertime’ no longer stops your server)
* Fixed not being able to click coloured links
* Fixed potential issue with village door detection (which could cause too many villagers)
* Made placing half blocks on existing half blocks (to make a full block) easier
* Limit framerate on menu screens, no longer uses 100% cpu and make my computer melt
* Fixed fatal crash for converted worlds to anvil, when there’s blocks at max height
* Fixed an old bug with signs clearing text while you’re editing them in SMP
* Fixed crash when logging in while there are blocks at maxheight at spawn
* Fixed TNT ghosts in multiplayer
* Fixed storage minecarts dropping enchanted items
* Fixed crashes on invalid server addresses when joining a server
* Fixed entities being uninteractable if they existed at login (Multiplayer)
* Fixed dupe exploit with paintings
* Fixed furnaces and dispensers dropping enchanted items
* Fixed the “flickering” of chat as it vanishes off the screen
* Fixed text rendering over items in the container screens
* Fixed exploit with jungle saplings (turns other saplings into jungle ones)
* Fixed launcher opening minecraft dir if the path contains a space
* Fixed an off-by-one lighting bug
* Fixed block transmuting (turning one block into another via pistons)
* Fixed placing mushrooms in daylight, where they can’t survive
* Fixed redstone lamps dropping powered block items when destroyed while on
* “save-all” (server) now works even when you have toggled “save-off”
* Fixed turning half-blocks into full-blocks while you’re standing on them
* Fixed seed displaying in F3 debug when the seed is unknown (multiplayer)
* Fixed villager texture changing clientside per profession
* Fixed falling off ledge corners while holding shift
* Fixed players falling when reconnecting to servers where they were previously flying
* Made using a stack of bowls on Mooshrooms not consume the whole stack of bowls
* Made punching a TNT block with flint and steel in hand destroy and drop a TNT block (right-clicking will activate the TNT)
* New map height limit (256 instead of 128)
* Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone
* Fixed crash bug at height 255
* Corrected Zombies and Skeletons not burning in sunlight
* Corrected birch and spruce saplings not growing at height > 127
* Many other minor tweaks and fixes
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.1

12th January, 2012

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

+ Bow Enchantments
+ New language translations.
+ Sheep eat grass and regain their wool
+ Added spawn eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the mobs)
+ Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default)
* Golden Apple recipe
* Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes
* Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds
* Removed collision box from ladders
* Bug fixing
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.0

18th November, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

+ Added animal breeding
+ Added mushroom islands
+ Added nether structures (fortresses)
+ Added nether mobs and new item drops
+ Added snow biome
+ Made swamps prettier
+ Added villagers in villages
+ Added craftable snow golems
+ Added potions and potion brewing
+ Added item enchantments
+ Added mooshrooms
+ Added The End
+ Added new achievements
+ Added many new items
+ Added video settings for clouds and particles
+ Added 32 bit java warning
+ Updated sound effects
+ Added hardcore mode (when you die the world is lost)
* Made chunk saving multi threaded
* Severely reduced the number of block types Endermen can carry
* Fixed endermen look-at calculation in mulitplayer (I had forgotten a parenthesis)
* Fixed lights under water not removing properly
* Fixed a dependency on OpenGL 1.3. ARB_multitexture is required, however
* Fixed lava spreading down into water
* Fixed paintings being lit wrong
* Changed armor calculation
* Fixed paintings being lit incorrectly
* Fixed a few blocks (fences, for example) being lit incorrectly when placed under/next to other blocks
* Minor tweaks to textures
* Re-added the ability to view oneself from the front by pressing F5
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft Beta 1.8

14th September, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

(This update includes 1.8 to 1.8.1)

+ Added a brand new biome generation code that simplifies life a lot and makes things much more exciting for the future
+ Added new mob; Endermen
+ Added FOV slider
+ Added brightness slider
+ Added randomly generated ravines
+ Killing a monster makes it drop experience orbs
+ The player can level up by gathering experience orbs
+ Added randomly generated houses
+ Added huge mushrooms
+ Using bonemeal on small mushrooms grows the mushroom into a giant mushroom if there’s room
+ Rewrote the light rendering to use multitexturing instead of direct colors
+ Sky light and block light have different tints, cool colors for sky light, warm for block lights
+ Added critical hits that deal +50% damage, plus an extra point to make crits with weak weapons worth it
+ If the player hits a mob while falling, they always hit a critical hit
+ The game now keeps track of damage sources and types
+ Some damage type ignore armor now; drowning, being on fire (but not being IN a fire), falling out of the world
+ Ice now only spreads next to existing ice or from coast areas
+ Made the explosions prettier
+ Made level height depend on a single variable (the level height still is 128, but it’s more moddable now)
+ Added sprinting
+ Added hunger
+ Food is now stackable
+ Improved the logo
+ Added suspended particles to water
+ Added a server list so you can remember multiple servers
+ The player regenerates slowly while the food bar is high
+ Eating food now takes time
+ Skeletons hold their bows better now
+ Added melons
+ Made melons and pumpkins farmable
+ Animals that get hurt will flee randomly for a short while
+ Pigs have snouts now
+ Made a flashier title screen
+ Looking towards the sun during sunset/sunrise changes fog color
+ Added fence gates
+ Added a player list to multiplayer
+ Added Silverfish
+ Added Cave Spider
+ Added huge underground dungeons (stronghold)
+ Added underground mine shafts
+ Added melon
+ Added sprouts for melons and pumpkins
+ Added vines
+ Added iron bars
* Fixed mushrooms spreading infinitely
* Fixed caves generating with too many dead ends
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft Beta 1.7

8th July, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

(This update includes 1.7 to 1.7.3)

+ Added pistons
+ Fire or redstone is now required to trigger TNT
+ Fences can be stacked
+ Added shears
+ Shears can be used to pick up leaf blocks
+ Shears can be used to shear sheep without hurting them
* Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched
- Corrected a block duplication bug when using pistons
- Corrected a redstone torch duplication bug when using pistons
- Corrected a client crash when placing a sign in front of the piston, powering the piston and then removing the block beneath the sign
- Ice blocks are now pushed without causing water streams breaking everything
- Booster rails are no longer being powered magically without a power source
- Pistons connected to the end of a piston-transistor via redstone are now properly closed when the power goes out
- Doors no longer create purple particles
- Hacking clients can no longer edit texts of placed signs in multiplayer
- Changed so that paintings pushed by pistons will pop off
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft Beta 1.6

26th May, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

(This update includes 1.6 to 1.6.6)

New features:
+ Added Nether support to multiplayer
+ The client will ask if the current login is valid. If the server says “no”, a warning message appears in the client. You can still play the game even if this happens.
+ Added craftable maps
+ Added hatches
+ Added tall grass in some biomes
+ Mushrooms now spreads (very) slowly
+ Added server property view-distance. Sets the radius of terrain updates (in chunks) to send to the players. Range 3-15, default 10.
+ Added dead shrubs in deserts
+ Added allow-nether (set to true or false) in
+ Blocks destroyed by other players in multiplayer now shows the breaking block particle effect
+ Doors make sound for other players in multiplayer
+ The record player now supports more than 15 different songs (you can’t get the records yet, though)
+ Activated dispensers make sounds and trigger particles in multiplayer
+ Players stuck in walls will slide towards the nearest gap if there is one
+ Added a new use for bonemeal
+ The renderer is now capped at 100 fps while there are chunks to be generated. The excess time will be spent generating chunks instead of rendering frames
+ The “limit framerate” option now limits the game to 40 fps and will spend at least 10 ms per frame sleeping
+ The “limit framerate” option has been reset to “off” for all players, enable it again if you want it

* Disabled Advanced OpenGL until we can fix some bugs with it
* It’s no longer possible to build solid blocks on the top layer of the maps (sorry!)
* Made booster tracks speedier
* Severely nerfed fire so it spread slower, and doesn’t spread infinitely
* Seeds are now found in tall grass, using a hoe on the ground no longer works
* Compressed network traffic more agressively
* Blocks that don’t change appearance when the data changes don’t send block updates when their data changes now
* Arrows shot by players can now be picked up by all players
* Nothing riding anything or being ridden by anything can enter portals
* Tweaked the connection reading code a lot. Hopefully this helps.
* Changed the “limit framerate” option to a “framerate cap” option.
* Added “Advanced OpenGL” again
* Players riding anything or sleeping in anything will stop doing so when they leave the game now
* Removed the minecraft version number from the main game window. It’s still available in the title screen
* Boats float up to the surface quicker
* Boats falling down into water lose their vertical momentum very fast
* Changed the material of glowstone from “glass” to “stone”. This means you need a pickaxe to get resources from it
* Made glowstone drop more loot
* Made the recipe sizes for creating cloth blocks and glowstone blocks smaller (2x2 instead of 3x3)
* Re-introduced unlimited FPS, renamed the option again
* Removed Herobrine

* Fixed beds not working very well at all in SMP
* Fixed destroying a boat spawning the player too low, causing them to sometimes fall through the ground
* Fixed running out of memory corrupting the current level
* Fixed the side textures of grass getting extra dark when mining them
* Fixed anaglyph 3d rendering mode having severe visual bugs
* Fixed the crash screen vanishing immediately
* Fixed not being able to target blocks when at x or z pos 1000
* Fixed the achievements screen messing up the sky color
* Fixed saving while sneaking dropping the player through the ground
* Fixed a system clock change messing up the game speed
* Fixed rain sounds not playing with fast graphics enabled
* Fixed hair and cloaks being rendered in the wrong locations on sneaking players
* Fixed a visual item duplication bug when trying to pick up items while the inventory is full
* Fixed an ACTUAL item duplication bug while picking up some items
* Fixed some block updates not updating lighting properly under some circ*mstances by reverting the “don’t always send block data” fix in 1.6
* Fixed a major CPU load issue in the server where a very tight loop would starve all other threads
* Fixed furnaces dropping/duplicating their contents when they change state from lit to unlit or back
* Fixed 1.6.3 using more CPU despite it claiming to use less
* Fixed some entities appearing to fall through the ground repeatedly in multiplayer (some might still do so)
* Fixed the server sometimes thinking the player hit a corner when walking when they didn’t
* Fixed dropped damaged items vanishing after a single use after being picked up
* Fixed dropped items not getting ejected from blocks properly
* Fixed the achievements window rendering some graphics outside the clip window
* Fixed players saving while sneaking being loaded too high up
* Fixed shift+click transferring items causing a crash when the target container is full
* Fixed lighting updates sometimes not happening correctly
* Fixed the players health appearing to be full when entering/exiting the nether
* Fixed a couple of instances where beds would act strange in multiplayer, primarily the “already occupied” bug
* Totally professional
* Over 100 more bugfixes

Minecraft Beta 1.5

19th April, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

* Weather (rain, snow, thunder)
* Statistics
* Achievements
* Detector rail
* Booster rail
* Performance improvements

More statistics and achievements will be added over time as we develop the game. They’re only stored locally at the moment, but we’ll slowly be rolling out online storing of achievements over time.

Minecraft Beta 1.4

31st March, 2011

Incompatible with Eaglercraft

* Added tameable wolves
* Added cookies
* Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position
* New Minecraft logo
* Holding shift while climbing will hang on to the ladder
* Spiders will no longer trample crops
* Lots and lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements
* Removed the April fools joke

While most of the code is written, statistics and achievements won’t show up until the next update. We didn’t quite have time to finish them this week, and didn’t want to delay the update longer.

Minecraft Beta 1.3


Originally released on 22nd February, 2011

A version of Eaglercraft with both singleplayer and multiplayer, released after the 1.5.2 version. Based on Minecraft Beta 1.3, you can play singleplayer and multiplayer and your worlds will be saved to your browser's local storage. Works on all chromebooks, you can export and import your worlds to make backups or move worlds to a different computer.

* Implemented a new lighting engine with the help of MrMessiahs (can be turned off)
* Changed the options around, added a new “Graphics options” button
* Added beds. If all players in a map sleeps in a bed during night, the game immediately skips until morning
* Added three new half-size blocks
* Added Delay/Repeater redstone dust blocks
* Added whitelisting to the server. To use, enter “whitelist <cmd>” where cmd is “on”, “off”, “add <player>”, “remove <player>”, “list” or “reload”
* New save file format, old maps need to be converted (that might take a while..)
* It’s now possible to have more than five save slots, and to rename saves
* Scrollbars in both the texture pack list, and in the map selection screen
* Replaced the Mojang splash image to reflect the new logo colors
* .. and a bunch of bug fixes and tweaks!

An awesome, free voxel game | Eaglercraft (2024)


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Article information

Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 5773

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.